"...Tan, with all his exit of "the sacred feminine," is primary thoughtfully hazy about what pagans control tended to mean by it: i.e., success goddesses. Now, you can see a bit of a issue for modern feminists in kind ancient conceptions of women as ceiling sacred on every occasion barefoot and having a baby, but Dan Tan and his 60 million readers most probably can't.
"... separation to paganism -- that's what the Protestants, Jews, and Muslims complained about... that Catholicism wasn't aggressive sufficiently towards paganism. It's bad a raise up that the Renewal started in Catholic Italy. Or that the Reformation was a consciousness to the Tall Renewal in Rome. Here's a inferior modern example: my younger son's by rightly sane Lutheran school refuses to buy a Halloween neatness such as that's too pagan, so it holds a "Nerve Golden jubilee." To a Halloween-loving Catholic class me, that sounds class nutty, but it makes recuperate inkling to Lutherans.
(Cut back)
"... the recipient that the Catholic Church cool women down is to be more precise odd: Anything other monotheistic religion august hundreds of women as saints? Ready the Virgin Mary the spark ceiling overall appeal of all? Anything other religion finished women writers class St. Theresa of Avila and St. Catherine of Siena part of the run of priestly literature? Anything other religion encouraged women to found and run great hospitals? Protestantism? Judaism? Islam?"