You will need:
* Some salt (sea salt or rock salt)
* a good broom
* a dustpan
First, take off all the clothes you wore on the date. Throw them in the washer, and toss in some of the salt with the soap. Then scatter salt about your house or apartment saying", " Thoroughout and about, " good come " All evil stay out!
Then take a shower and place a fist-full of salt on your head. Close your eyes. Let the salt dissolve in the water and run down your body, saying", out, Throughout and about, " good come in, " evil stay out!
Dry off and get dressed. Sweep your house, collecting all the salt you tossed around in the dustpan. Empty the dustpan out a window or door saying" out, " and about, " come in,
(date's name) stay out!
He's history...Anything he/she sends, return it with salt on it. Forget about him/her!
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