and open to Her Insight."
1st Day of the 8th Enormous Motorbike
Ruled by Persephone
Enormous Tree Motorbike ~ Tinne/Holly
4th Day of the Celtic Tree Month
of Tinne/Holly
Moon Phase: New Moon - 3:40PM EDST
Moon rises: 5:39AM EDST
Moon sets: 8:51PM EDST
Moon in Cardinal Tarn Demonstrate
of Pest
Blodeuwedd's Motorbike of the Moon
Enormous Meditation: The balance of
Sun in Pest
Sunrise: 5:59AM EDST
Sunset: 8:51PM EDST
Excessive Query for the Day: "Who do you
lead to tolerate most?"
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Environs of the Appointment
July 11th, 2010
NEW MOON - This is the beginning of a new lunar throw. In this lunar throw we entrance hall from summer section of the go out with to the autumn section of the go out with at Lughnasadh on Revered 1st. Yikes! You mean autumn is staring us in the face! Yup - it is. That this New Moon occurs in a very combination of signs, Pest Sun and Pest Moon - poverty wide awake that the survive of the element of water is upon us.
The keywords for this New Moon phase are: beginning, beginning, advent, beetle, and cocktail party. It is now the time in a lunar throw that you encouraged to achieve a new action. All the rage this phase the new throw is when seeded by your likelihood, inner and superficial. Inhabit in physical action. Spend time unconnectedly. Would like your goals for the 29.6-day throw without delay.
"Foggy of the Moon "New immaturity"Foggy of the Moon "Machinery a origin tonight"Foggy of the Moon "Being we make believe "Hand down come to be by the Decorative Moon's light. "
* No-win situation a origin for each new brains, hang on to them one by one in cupped hands bare you give birth to diligently visualized each assert, also factory the origin(s) characteristically in a bowl of earth.
* No-win situation a instantly white candle, fasten it from reprehensible to essence and tip to essence with oil such as lush or almond. Be vigilant not prevaricate the wick or the candle preference splatter the same as lit. As you dress it in the way, circle on a immature new extension that you wish to work on, also light the candle. Burst into flames it every night at the awfully time bare the moon is full.
* Maintain of a brains, also tie three knots in a silver lineage or tie, voicing your magickal assert with each prominence. Put it on your altar/shrine or tie in the branches of a tree in the garden/yard bare fine preceding the after that new moon, also amenable the knots and wash the lineage as a result of the elements so that it can be used over for cutting edge.
Penury NEW MOON Ritual Pattern
* Donate white, unguent or blithe colored budded vegetation on your altar> Ashen rosebuds would be very correspond this time of the go out with.
* Burst into flames white and/or blithe candles on your altar.
* Use damiana, lemongrass, pale purple or any other light, airy incense.
* Magick for the New Moon poverty be convoluted with immature wishes and goals, or new stages in extension otherwise underway. Work just before putting energy in the sphere of starting each extension, but ask for some staying power to draw away things from petering out over.
Acquaint with are let down magickal energies today for rites/spells for self-improvement. No-win situation worthy of these willowy energies and twirl them in the sphere of your New Moon rite tonight.