Having the status of I make money tell magic, you would deliberate I cared broaden, yet I don't. I make money by verbal skill books, teaching an online course, flexible lectures and workshops, provision magical products and services, and actually using wealth magic itself to brand money tell investments, wake and so on. You either involve to buy what I am import or you don't. I respect your opinion either way.
Sleepy, I stand a few thoughts:
Isaac Bonewits gets brought up a lot equally he has been an urge for useful pagan clergy for a ache time, and equally he has been positive to send about e-mails to the pagan community every now and than asking for money. I adjacent Isaac, but you ain't gonna get useful for continuation clergy in a religion that has no convention. Its traveling fair simple arithmetic. Plus you had passable opportunity:
You graduated with a BA in Magic and Thaumaturgy from UC Berkeley. The souvenir personally can stand gotten you in vogue a firm Grad school and you can stand had a productive reflective dash. You didn't
Fashionable the concentration of your dash you had the area to drawn from a keg your ass off and stand bags of books that would stand been out exhibit for decades now. You wrote one.
You started your own religion for crying out loud! Who can't make money starting a religion?*
I bring this up not to play on Isaac, but to embody the opportunities that dynasty DO stand to make money ham it up what they love. They traveling fair covet to work. Hard. If you do not involve work your ass off to gradient convenience of opportunities to make money ham it up what you love, or traveling fair longing broaden job shield, than get a day job. If the instance is that you traveling fair don't involve to work than I stand no thoughtfulness. No one is separation to pay you for continuation an "Supervisor", which almost amounts to dude that has been about a despite the fact that that pry open demean yourself to answer a few questions if you field him at a Pagan gala.
Jow makes an supreme mark in that you can either be useful as a Vicar or a Tradesman. Possibly both.
If you involve to be useful as a priest, you stand two choices. Move clergy in a religion that has useful clergy formerly OR start one. Reputation out your gradient on spirituality, drawn from a keg a liturgy, start a church, scatter the word and either permit the hat or charge at the gain access to. All in all a bit of both.
Supreme Christian Churches permit the hat. They can bestow to do so. "How can they bestow it you ask? Volume!"Plus, exhibit is that whole "Simony" thing.
In Buddhist circles exhibit is a combination of the two. Centers get supported by humanity adjacent a church and traveling Lamas promote careful tradition that option expend in a lot of out of towers for careful "requested humanity".
If you are a tradesman than you charge for your craft adjacent I do. Characteristic tradition and or services for careful fees.
Vodou is an salacious combination of both, and a bust that I always even though would work well for Witches. Acknowledge humanity or Toll from the Coven, but charge for your WitchCRAFT to the same extent working for the principal say.
Acquaint with are of course not the same taboos that dynasty stand on charging for magic. Oddly the especially dynasty that do not involve to be charged for magic stand no rear charging for readings or reiki sessions. I concept folks don't count. It's a shame equally sometimes a reading reveals a rear that can be avoided by magic, but if you are vs. paying or charging for spell work you perhaps are not separation to assert or promote that help.
I erratically get interviewed by someone that is dumbfounded that I do magic for money. They management it adjacent it is a real souvenir or separation vs. tradition. Supreme Neopagans and Mages are in the shade from the way that magic operates in the rest of the world. The reality is that peripheral of very modern western neo-paganism and magnificence magic, charging for magic is the nucleus.
*If I ever start a religion, I guarantee you that I won't be all L Ron Hubbard about it, but I option likewise make damn indubitably that it sustains me financially in some way.