Stand in the rain and let it touch you - do not wear heavy clothing to protect yourself from it. Call the rain and draw it down harder. Cast no circle, lest the pain stay trapped within it.
When the downpour becomes heavy, begin. Say the incantation charged full of emotion and let it come from the heart.
"Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, wash away my pain.
Cry for me and take away my tears.
Rain, wash away my pain.
Cry for me and take away my fears."
Hold palms open to the sky and let the rain fill them. Wash your face and eyes with it. Repeat this three times:
"Let the tears fall, with the water,
into the earth, into the rock."
Let the pain go, release the energy. Let it wash away. Imagine it leaving you and entering the earth bound by rock.
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Keywords: banishing spells close circle darkside complete magic casting closing circle beauty spell spell break showbusiness money spell ceremony ritual magic apikorsus diverse chaos ritual proper invocation necromemecon dead memes