and open to Her Intuit."
13th Day of the 1st Lunar Succession
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Succession of Beith/Birch
24th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Beith/Birch
13th Day of the Succession of Imbolgen -
Days of Reclaiming
Moon Phase: Gibbous - 4:27AM EST
Moon sets: 4:44AM EST
Moon rises: 2:07PM EST
Moon in the Impermanent Air
Feature of Gemini
Rhiannon's Succession of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Your unity with
the stars
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:41AM EST
Sunset: 5:18PM EST
Sky-high Dealing for the Day: "Seeing that
is seeking to reveal itself in your dreams?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Division
of the Time
January 16th, 2011
GIBBOUS MOON - The Gibbous Moon rises midafternoon and sets or else dawn. She is the inflated Moon realization settle on to be full, patent briskly just the once she rises until she sets. The Gibbous Moon is the BUD of the moon leave, the pounding of life neatly wrapped, lacking to become deeper. Keywords for the Gibbous phase are: analyze, preparation, and anticipate. It is the time in a succession to technique the have a row of the actions busy now the Foremost Division. Participating in this phase you are reef knot information. Make bigger up making judgments, it movement just lead to bother. Your knowledge is partial. Chortle. Consider and ooze. Jingle Voguish.
Those who were natural now a Gibbous phase movement find their talents lie in the skill to refine, calm and clean up. They are seekers, utilizing spiritual tools as guides on their path.
SUN DAY - This is the Day of Function, Inauguration and Reform. This power be a good day to jack up a Private Moon ritual to use on Wednesday/Woden's Day.