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Welcome to Perigee: Zero
Perigee: Zero proposes a unified theory to solve enigmas haunting our cultural heritage and the Earth?s geological history. Many aspects of this conjecture are certainly Velikovskian in nature, and our
presentation contains many fantastic and improbable suggestions. We would encourage the reader to approach the text with an open mind,
perhaps offering us constructive criticism.
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going
beyond them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke
We document the terraforming of the Earth by the cratering and accretive action of impacting comets and resulting ejecta, during events occurring at regular intervals over the past 15,000 years. Oral and written works comprising much of the world?s cultural heritage provide us with
accounts of catastrophic damage visited upon Earth and its inhabitants.
Those accounts describe mountains being moved, large expanses of the earth being swept clean - or replaced with open ocean, civilizations buried, years of darkness, the world flooded, the globe encircled by a serpent consuming itself.
Our forefathers invoked deities from the heavens, or perhaps giant
kangaroos. We invoke impactors from the Taurid Complex, a simple and natural process, as most of its progenitor's mass may be missing. The damage to the earth is interpreted as the result of hundreds of grazing and nearly tangential impacts, suggesting decaying orbits of
earth-captured cosmic bodies as a plausible solution. The events are seen occurring when the low point of the orbit -the perigee- reaches the earth's surface; in effect Perigee: Zero.
A primary conjecture suggests that circum-terrestrial captured Taurid Complex cometary bodies were"
" humans throughout recorded
history. As they fragmented due to the Roche Limit forces, the primary objects were recorded as having given "birth" to lesser deities.
Trojans, planets, watchers. Occasionally one would crash to the earth.
Mankind would contemplate the transition and cast a morality tale of the fallen god's misdeeds. Could it be that the ancients' references to mars, venus, jupiter, saturn as gods were intended to explain objects that were very visible and menacing, rather than the remote objects that carry those names today?
Robert Korbes presents a profoundly worded case for the of importance of research into the Tauride Complex:
The subject is fascinating and demonstrably essential to an accurate
understanding of our species' behavior over the past 12,000 or so
years. Some familiarity with this topic will be seen as necessary by
students of anthropology, archeology, classics, and religion who
peruse this material objectively. The topic also has philosophic and
social policy aspects that need to be explored. As the first species
on Earth with the capacity to prevent impact events that would
otherwise affect biological evolution--What is our responsibility
and what is a prudent course of action?
Possible Saginaw Impact Structure: Source for Carolina bay Ejecta?
The Perigee:Zero concept was developed to address a manifold of issues in the geological and historical record. At the present time, our only working hypothesis addresses the enigmatic Carolina bays
We presented a poster presentation the December 2009 AGU meeting in San Francisco of some of the Perigee: Zero concepts as they pertain to the Carolina bays and their role in identifying a possible Pleistocene - Holocene Boundary impact crater. A comprehensive review of the
conjecture and our Heuristic Argument can be seen in the Saginaw
"section of our site.
In a previous AGU submission (AGU 2006 T41A-03)
and its referenced web-based
documentation here on, we proposed that extraterrestrial impacts were responsible for cooling at the Younger Dryas boundary, North American megafaunal extinctions, and collapse of Native American culture. Recent work by others (Firestone, et al) has added significant support to such a hypothesis.
A challenging aspect of the hypothesis involves the lack of an
identifiable impact structure. As a plausible solution, our Perigee:Zero (P:Z) conjecture implicates the decaying orbits of earth-captured
cometary bodies. Such impact events occur when the perigee of the orbit reaches the earth's surface - in effect Perigee = Zero. Given the
relatively low velocities involved, the shallow angle of incidence and the hydrated nature of the impactors, the geological signature of
proposed P:Z impact structures are uncharacteristic of cosmic impact structures. Additionally, the conjecture suggests that terrestrial
material ejected from such an event would be distributed in a stylized manner.Our analysis correlates numerous proposed P:Z ejecta material emplacements - including the Carolina bays and the Goldsboro Ridge - to a Perigee: Zero impact event that struck the Wisconsin-era ice shield at
~43.6^0N, ~86.6^0W. Our initial trail suggested the depression occupied by Lake Michigan, but that solution has been demoted in light of numerous negating factors "on the ground". The proposed scouring action of the event is now seen producing the current-day Saginaw Bay
Manifold Portrait arrow
*Proposed Saginaw Bay Impact Manifold*
We offer a short movie which
attempts to visualize a de-orbiting body impacting in eastern Michigan.
For further discussion of the proposed impact, please reference the Saginaw Impact Manifold section.
The Google Earth GSI facility has been heavily leveraged in this
The data that has been assembled and presented here is interpreted by the authors as being highly supportive - if not outright proof - of the Perigee:Zero conjecture:
Over the past 15,000 years, cosmic objects have impacted the Earth in large numbers and have radically terraformed the face and the
environment of the Earth. Against this backdrop, mankind and its culture has been transformed as well. While our forefathers have attempted to relate their eyewitness of these events, our collective wisdom has
relegated their stories to the genera of fables and fiction with a hint of deceit for emphasis, as they seem to have had no basis in fact.
Perigee: Zero provides the pertinent facts, thereby offering humanity an opportunity to revisit those reports and view them as honest and truthful.
It is our opinion that the terrestrial landforms identified and
discussed are highly indicative of low angle-of-incidence cometary
impact craters and resulting ejecta emplacements. If accepted, the
theory would offer the missing proof point to the Taurid Stream?s
theoretical catastrophic impact series, and would have significant
implications for our understanding of both the development of human civilization and of Earth?s geomorphology.
While we strongly suggest a substantial body of supportive evidence is identified herein, the examination processes presented or suggested needs to be performed across a potential class of one hundred PZ
Cometary impacts. That course of action would no doubt require the
efforts of thousands of investigators over decades of research and analysis.
This site contains copyrighted information presented under the Fair
Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Act (section 107 of
title 17) which states: 'the fair use of a copyrighted work...for
purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,
scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.' In
practice the courts have decided that anything which does not
financially harm the copyright holder is fair use.
This is a Non-Profit Web page, (c) 2005-2009 M.E. Davias, USA Perigee: Zero (R)
Perigee: Zero (R), Contents (c) 2006 - 2010 by Cintos Contact Us