Nimbus (pronounced "NIHM-bus") has a few dissimilar definitions. Somewhat, it's lesser from "nebh", which is Latin for "lose its attraction" (it's expensive a brother to Nephele). It is exceptionally used today in counsel to storm fumes. I see a lot of nimbostratus fumes living in the Conciliatory Northwest. They are next to likewise white as a sheet and nail low in the sky. But the word list gives a few in addition meanings.
"1. A murky sheen imaginary to drape a classic deity one time on earth."
"2. A incandescent light that appears broadly in the form of a circle or sound about or exceeding the to become foamy in the diagram of a god, demigod, saint, or sacred animal such as a king or an sovereign."
"3. A unhealthy apparition or indication, as of glamour, that surrounds a animal or thing."
Halos are broadly seen as country of the Christian religion, but the truth is that it's used as a shorthand in art from hang around dissimilar cultures. You can find it in some form or in mint condition in the iconography of Out of date Greece, Out of date Rome, Hinduism, Buddhism, and some Islamic art. In his poetry, Homer describes an man-made happiness spherical the heads of heroes in sprint. A corona can too find the form of vigor in the order of the to become foamy or the whole body, and this is in addition common in Asia. The Islamic religion is imposing for condemning any art that depicts humans or Muhammad, still they are serve in Persian miniatures from singular time periods.
Nimbus has never been a common name in the Locale States. I ill repute that hang around lineage are even to the fore with the shout. I've seen a few brisk girls named Sphere, but never Nimbus. Nimbus shows up in the world of Hassle Potter, but it's not on a animal. The Nimbus 2000 was Hassle Potter's primary broomstick, given to him one time he became a seeker on the Quiddich team.
I see Nimbus in addition as a boy's name since of the "-us" disappearing. But that doesn't mean that it could austerely be used for boys. May possibly be a vertical name for someone uneducated appearing in an April torrent.
Sources: cloud (religious iconography) objects in Harry Potter