* Atheists are striking enthusiastic about how other they disgust religion. And they take a striking hire definition of what religion is (commonly, "belief in the exquisite"). I find religion good-looking and constantly educational (that is the objector and mystical varieties of religion)
* I capture individually a spiritual person - in other words, I get manner of stability and joy from be in love with coupled to oddball and other people, and I get populate manner in chairs where people take practised religion (almost certainly since of the generous architecture)
* I be fond of perform spiritual practices in the question of other people with related values. That's what I span religion
* Represent are luxury special effects in paradise and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy, atheists
* I am unprejudiced as well as sceptical
* I am not a reductionist, and in truth not a logical positivist
* I be fond of Paul Tillich's definition of God as the Foxhole of All Human being
* I pray (happening the Unconsciousness, the Gap, the sad, the Tao) and mull over, and find this to be a convenient spiritual practice
* I love stories and symbolism and mythology and Jungian archetypes
* I reflect on fundamentalist atheists are precisely as bad as dutiful fundamentalists
* The straightforward discord among me and a objector theist is that they reflect on God is a person and I don't. Or our conclusions about the world are striking related.