This encounter was one for the record books. When I arrived, there were 17 people in the room set aside for our meeting today. Some were elders, some were women from the church, but they all had one thing in common: they were opposed to what I was doing. The only exception to this was one of the elders who had taken my side previously who now sat beside his wife who was opposed to what I was doing and had obviously turned him against me again. The head pastor himself was there along with two assistant pastors who formed a kind of tribunal at the front of the room. This made me smile, but I kept any comments about my trial to myself.
I was asked to sit down in a chair that was in front of the pastoral staff and to the side of the large party to my left. As soon as I sat down, the pastor apologized for the formality and told me that he believed I had the right to face my accusers face to face as Christians should not operate in secret, but the next thing that came out of his mouth floored me. He informed me that I would not be allowed to stay in the church so as to avoid damaging the unity of the church body at large. However, he would allow me to speak not only to him and the pastoral staff, but also to my accusers uninterrupted to speak my case as to why I had done what I had done.
I spoke of many of the abuses society and the church have levied against men on a regular basis. I showed live videos of the pastor offering everything from small hints to glaring insults that the men were an inferior quality of humanity than the women in the church. I offered my perspective on why men were no longer of the same quality that they once were in our society and point to the church as one of the chief culprits in creating the very men they spoke against. I shared with them the proper role of men in the church and how I was teaching these men about the nature of women so that women were no longer a driving force in their lives, and that energy instead could be redirected toward serving God with nothing held back. I explained how the church operated under the worldly view of superior female spirituality. I explained our obsession with making women happy and how it ultimately left both men and women unfulfilled in their Christian lives. I explained women's almost complete control of men in the home and how it is sanctioned by the church, but that if something goes wrong, the men hold full responsibility.
Several times, women in the room were told to be quiet or leave as they attempted to talk over me and one woman stormed out after her fourth attempt at interruption had failed. Once I had drawn my information to a close, I requested that they look at what I had done for the men who had been coming to my class and let the tree be judged by its fruit. Their lives had been made better by a large margin in most cases and the few who are slow learners were still making excellent progress.
I informed him that I understood that feelings had been hurt, but that the young men who had lived in this unchristian and, in many cases, sinful environment had been harmed even more than the few here who had the courage to admit their grievances to my face. That our church was seeing a huge lack in the number of men willing to participate and that attendance was often sporatic for those who did come at all (myself included). I also pointed out that there was another religion that taught that men had a place of great importance and that women needed to remember their place. That religion was Islam and the number of young men signing up for its tenants were growing every year. I reminded them that unless we want the church to fade out completely, we need to teach the young men how be actual men and not "guys".When men are being literally expelled from "Christian" churches by female-dominated cults for the offense of teaching Scripture, it is time for men to turn their backs on those churches. They are not Christian churches and they do not follow Jesus Christ, they unknowingly follow the ancient Babylonian mystery religions.
The collapse of the Western Church into anti-Christian, anti-Biblical feminist Churchianity may not be the Great Apostasy, but it is certainly a very large scale apostasy. This is what happens when the Church turns away from the eternal truths of the Bible; for that matter, it is what happens when any organization, from a non-profit charity to a Fortune 500 corporation, does so. The speed of the collapse is remarkable; it appears that every church denomination that has permitted women to teach in the church and hold authority over men has immediately and rapidly declined.
I haven't done the research yet, but I will do so and post the results here. The danger, which should be apparent even to the most secular and atheistic reader here, is that as goes the Western church, so goes Western society and quite possibly Western civilization.
However, Christian men have to do more than simply retreat from the enemy-occupied territory of the Churchian apostates. They also need to rescue their fellow believers from it and start new churches with teachings in full accordance with Scripture. Thus will the seeds of the next great revival be planted.Alpha Game 2011