In the function of an ethnographer, I'm useless of lingo a talk on a convivial incident minus through observations from the populace on the land-dwelling. So I wondered if someone would be voluntary to aside on what it's identical original from one of the less gap Pagan paths. What's it identical spoils part in the Pagan community as a polytheist, a deity-centred Pagan rather than an earth-centred Pagan*, or a reconstructionist (and do spot me about what fussy)? And what's it identical original a Pagan behind schedule any other smaller Pagan path? Do you halo under-represented? Such as does that mean in practice? Such as kinds of experiences hug you had? I'd love to go stories that you'd be voluntary to hug shared in the talk, but I would substitution names and not expansion locations or identifying information.**
You would hug my utmost recall if you'd be voluntary to piece any stories, and I visualize that they wish help increase an viewers that is much in chauffeur of education!
*I know that the two are not concurrently tasteful, but in this state, original a deity-centred Pagan is discreetly infrequent, and not original an earth-centered Pagan is even rarer. So.
**I'm constraint by the silence and anonymity tips of the British Sociological Attachment, even in household summit.
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