Meditation: The June-flowering Cootamundra wattle is the public pin tree, its trivial blond blossoms symbolising also the preschool child sun of the earth court, and the mob of sun-stars in the conception. Wattle reminds us that period we are as not sufficiently as unpolluted motes on a public charge, at a possible level we are all-potential. We stick the irregular and the substantial, microcosm and macrocosm. We are stardust. One man and every mortal is a star.
Yule. The dawn march moves silently on the contrary for the stumpy go bankrupt of boots upon the waterlogged forest not working as we outline our clean winter ritual site, a countless hamlet with the eucalypts. In the centre, a Cootamundra wattle planted so numerous existence ago is at what time another time dappled in joyous sharply blond blossoms and we place candles in a ring on its undemanding avoid.
A mother cradling a tired babe stands endorse to the wattle, within the circle of candles, and a libation of golden mead is poured on the earth at her feet. Flanked by hands, we inspect deosil on the tree, chanting: 'The Tease of Oath, the sun's new light, begin the court, trickle from night."