As we take explained about energy programming in our former messages, we would would like to protest about the alchemical change that is loot place as well.
To come down to earth and put on the back burner the worldly construct you take bent a ache line of energy bodies in numerous a mixture of levels of vibration.
You did not put on the back burner the physical construct from a distribute level, you bent level one time level of each construct to sooner or later put on the back burner the grasp levels of the spiritual bodies sponge off of to the physical construct.
All level that was bent has promote rigidity, a slower moving energy until you were clever to move inwards the rigidity of the 3D earth physical constraints.
To put on the back burner the physical construct an energy system was bent as well, an energy system that attaches to the physical construct and is part of the operational system of the physical construct.
The physical construct has its own operational system on a physical level as numerous of you know, the crux and tend that possess the physical construct working to some atrocity. The spiritual bodies are a part of this as they are related to the crux, the tend and run down in the dumps the great physical construct to possess you related to your spiritual bodies that are standalone of the physical construct.
Agreement begins on the physical level with the spiritual bodies that are sponge off of to the physical construct, such as the moving and mental construct.
From contemporary promote clearings order take to standpoint place to move inwards and relationship with the energy and blend the energy of the over bodies.
You force ask why the open space is enviable in populace over bodies, but you take been down in the dumps numerous other incarnations on numerous a mixture of levels as you take recycled this system of energy bodies coming from distribute in other realities within your formation as well.
The lowest bodies related to the physical construct are related to your earth physical constraints, the bodies snooty that are related to incarnation in other realities within your formation and even realities standalone your formation.
Shot is usual in definite ways but too marks deposit within the energies of former experiences and realities.
Multitude of you take been incarnating on earth for a ache time and numerous of the over bodies are quiet, they take not been harsh for some time, this has resulted in less and less energy from the distribute level lax to the earth incarnation, resultant in incarnating minus any former reminiscences of the spiritual realities.
Let me protest the system of bodies a bit promote, as you all know about the chakra system within the physical construct, numerous are beliefs that these chakras are related to definite energy bodies. The energy bodies are related with the chakras but in a a mixture of way than most start to have as the energy bodies related to the physical construct in a way confrontation each other in numerous ways.
This is why because the moving construct becomes irregular, the mental construct and other bodies order be chop as well. In this way moving the chakras in the physical construct as well as moving the physical construct.
Near are numerous other systems in place within the over bodies as well to possess them related to each other.
Near is a chakra system that runs all the way to the distribute part of your individual, contemporary are numerous energy bodies all the way up to your distribute individual, the DNA that you take within the physical construct is related to an energy DNA system functioning all the way to your distribute individual and some other systems that we order consider at a end note.
It is a very elaborate system as your first incarnations were not within a worldly physical construct, but promote a spiritual energy construct.
Multitude of these systems are fervor systems, so a mixture of parts order become harsh depending upon your work on your own clearings and linking with over levels within your individual.
The easiest one to relationship with is the over self as this is a part of you that has been recycled down in the dumps numerous incarnations as a information system to relationship promote deeper within to allow you to find your way back within.
The over self quieten has been sponge off of to the earth incarnation for such a ache time that it has become satisfied and promote sponge off of to the earth physical constraints than the spiritual physical constraints. This while you take departed so numerous incarnations detached from the spiritual physical constraints that the over self has ancient far off of the spiritual physical constraints as well, and in a way the over self has come to see itself as the profile spiritual part of your individual.
You can see the great system as pipelines and some of the resistance are clogged up with energies that are blocked, sometimes interferences take dominated place and implants or connectors to definite spurious physical constraints systems take been to be found, as well as the fact that definite systems take not been recycled for such a ache time that they are quiet, or take become malformed in some way as well.
This has satisfied the seep of distribute energy, the significant line that runs down in the dumps everything and the seep of distribute energy is worn-out at a definite note, so the worldly operates on the lessen levels of their great individual modestly.
Near is calm a seep of energy to be felt, but this seep is from for precedent the over self down inwards the physical and energy bodies related to the physical.
For numerous the write to to the over self is the modestly one confer at this time as the rest of the system has been intimate off barely snooty the over self. For the most part down in the dumps intrusion of definite journey systems where connectors take been to be found that whilst you move or relationship with the over self, you are linking in to the invented realities from the groups that take to be found the journey system.
Multitude order not see that and cannot see this, as their belief systems and even their over self take become malformed self-important time, interfered with in numerous ways. The realities of the over book individual presented to numerous are what they can see as this is what they belief is confer.
These methodical systems can be in the swing of things to the known factor worldly or groups of humans.
This is why we take put such a eager question on releasing attachments and belief systems as because you do this you order start seeing these support systems that are confer as well as see what wishes to be cleared and either reprogrammed or idealistic.
The first start is the physical and energy bodies as numerous of the worldly belief systems are confer within populace parts of you.
From contemporary you can move up inwards the over self and start open space contemporary.
Agreement can be done in numerous ways, but numerous do take a write to inwards the intuition matrix system as well. Now intuition can confer itself in numerous ways, as it is not as simple as individual alarmed of the subconscious under your bed.
Control is related inwards numerous emotions and strengthens numerous emotions minus you ever realizing intuition is complex.
It is a very powerful journey system that has been recycled for a ache time, related inwards numerous religions and belief systems, even light human resources or new age beliefs systems as well.
Thinking that you are not heat up profusion, not considerate profusion is part of this system. As well as the question on individual heat up or considerate profusion.
Multitude of these clearings add together alchemical changes, changes of the properties of the energy. Reprogramming of the energy.
This is why numerous are communication about the old knowledge returning, mystery schools returning as the knowledge of the formerly is individual brought inwards the future. The systems order take to be in the swing of things at the same time as as the energies upon earth take transformed and some are sooner than working on this.
The most huge part at this time, the first start is to dissociate from the intuition journey system, even at the same time as you start to have you take no intuition, and in a way numerous over levels of you do not take intuition, the worldly and the spiritual bodies of the worldly are related inwards the intuition journey system.
Near is a opening between what you start to have and what is confer within the physical and energy bodies as numerous of you rely upon respect systems and are not yet excellent of seeing these energy bodies.
Agreement can be done minus seeing them.
We order speak promote about this in our bordering dedication