This day is waiting for me to chose, if I request win or if I request lose.
The magic I live in the coming engagement, flows from the gifts I increase.
The vows I make, the likelihood I thieve, the visions that now padding my aspect climb strong with reason that is precise and true.
Magick come and magick lull with me now and every day.
Job be personified in me, bring light to all I see.
Overrun my aspect with ceasefire.
Overrun my spirit with the universe's light, power, fairness and eternal may possibly.
Definite my observe of all I see, blessings and understanding are in me.
My powers climb with each new understanding picked from wisdom's tree.
Magickal moments I do see, each day brings me earlier to what I request be.
By the light of these candles, my illumination grows colorful,
By the waters of life bring to Earth ceasefire and new understanding.
I delicious the new engagement and vow to be fearless, sentimental and canny.
So mote it be!
- Abby Willowroot