The master show business his place as a healer in Islamic ways and becomes stately and by this means has a amount of associates.
Silat master are in concert know for their traditional healing skills, which multifarious a combination of pharmocopaeic and secretarial elements, knowledge of bone tone, with chant of healing spirits.
Sometimes silat master practices a hole treatment called urut. The urut is done by hand stretch extracting some right verse print from the Quran.
Multiple silat make is unexceptionally connected with kebatinan. Kebatinan is qualified in silat group to make happen the knowledge enabling the convoluted of superhuman such as imperviousness, healing and other magical powers.
Some silat make has their own armaments of healing techniques. This by way of sprightly massages, herbal medicine, enchanting and healing prayer. Equally certain school buttress therapeutic live wave around and meditation.
"Tidied up healing in silat "