Now until 6 January 2013; Do Observations: Mythology and Picture making from Benjamin Sandstone to Flickr. Bare at the Towner Upper circle in Eastbourne, Sussex. Free of charge role. For aloof disc, stop
Friday 19 October; Treadwells Hallowe'en Set at Treadwells, 33 Array Mode, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm start. Free of charge role but advance booking essential. For as well details:
Friday 19 October; Authentication of Mediumship by Anthony Kesner at The Comradeship of Seer Studies, 16 Queensberry Permission, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm - 8.30pm Cost: lb8/lb12. Expansion booking advised. Tel: 020 7589 3292.
Saturday 20 October; Hallowe'en: Exhaust, Lore, Numinous. One-day workshop about the lore of Samhain or Hallowe'en with Wiccan priestess Suzanne Corbie. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Array Mode, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 11am-5.30pm. Foyer measure lb35, swing round of lb20 in advance. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email:
Sunday 21 October; Samhain Feast with Pagan FutureFests. One-day pagan public holiday in Balham, South London. Venue: The Bedford Hotel, 77 Bedford Ascent, Balham London SW12 9HD. Time: midday until 10pm. Tickets lb13 all day, lb7 sundown modestly, includes arrival to all clowning around. For aloof disc and to book tickets visit:
Sunday 21 October; Daybreak of the Oak. Pagan educational on the third Sunday of each month. Venue: Upstairs at The Citadel, 34-35 Cowcross Paw marks, Farringdon, London EC1M 6DB (acquaint with Farringdon tube). Time: 3pm-6pm. For aloof disc put pen to paper Peter Warwick-Mahoney, or Eugenie
Sunday 21 October; October A lot - an Autumn crop celebration alleged annually in Southwark, starting at midday on the Bankside, by Shakespeare's Sphere Theatre. Free of charge role. For aloof disc, stop
Monday 22 October; Hecate Divine being Of Renovation, Numinous, And Death. Have a chat by Carrie Kirkpatrick and selection of the zoom Hecate Escalating, selection a Samhain ritual. Venue: pagan forum Indoors Chiefs, Devereux get-together care for, 20 Devereux Persuade, off Essex Mode, London WC2R 3JJ. Be given from 7.30pm, role starts at 8.30pm. Statement lb2.
Monday 22 October; Better-quality Coverage. Illustrate viewing at Alternatives, St. James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm to 8.45pm. Tickets lb10/5 concs. To book tickets and for aloof info stop the Alternatives website:
Tuesday, 23 October; Halloween Vigial to honour The Goose and the expulsion dead of Livid Bones Cemetery, with elements of the Halloween of Crossbones Establishment Dramas from former vivacity. Stockpile from 6.45pm in Redcross Way outside the Place of pilgrimage Gates, SE1, opposite the Boot and Flogger, spot on north of the junction with Combination Mode. Next-door tubes County or London Bridge, 5 account homeless person absent. The role is free, but bring streamer or other items to emboss the memorial.
Wednesday 24 October; The Vitality and Mythology of Crow as Spirit Buddy and transgression Eater'. Have a chat by hedge addition Jacqueline Gemini Honeybee at The Tense with No Identify. Venue: The Depressed Posts at 81 Newman Mode spot on off Tottenham Persuade Paw marks, London W1T 3ET. Be given from 7.30pm, role starts at 8pm. Statement lb5.
Thursday, 25 October; The Moon and Force. Have a chat by Dr Niall McCrae, guru in mental health at King's Comradeship, London, at the London Fortean Company, upstairs at the Frighten, 50 Middlesex Mode, London E1 7EX. 7.30pm for 8pm start. lb3/lb2 concessions. Company meets on the situate Thursday of each month. For aloof disc, stop
Friday, 26 October; Labyrinths And Mazes International business. Criticism by Robert Stephenson at
Labor modish Misplaced Notion Organisation (Rilko). Venue: Theosophical Company, 50 Gloucester Permission, W1U 8EA. Doors open 6.45pm. Statement lb7 non-members, lb5 members.
Friday 26 to Sunday 28 October; The Yoga Accept 2012 at Olympia in London. Admission: Adults lb12; Concessions lb10; Children free. Conquer children online and cache money. For disc visit:
Friday 26 October, Spooks and Spoofs: Psychologists and Psychical Labor in the Inter-War Living. Criticism by Schoolteacher Elizabeth Valentine at The State-owned Company, London. Free of charge role, no tickets necessary. Doors open at 12.30pm; talk 1pm - 2pm. Absolute disc here:
Friday 26 October, An Dusk of Angel Readings with Amanda Roberts at The Comradeship of Seer Studies, 16 Queensberry Permission, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm.- 8.30pm Cost: lb8/lb12. Expansion booking advised. Tel: 020 7589 3292.
Friday 26 October; an sundown for adults to make official Samhain with be situated music, try snitch and a bar at Butser Bygone Promote, Chalton Avenue, Chalton, Hants. From 7pm. Tickets lb12. For aloof disc, assign 02392 598838 or stop
Friday 26 October; Start of the CoH Self-assurance Hekate Magna. Initially get-together role of the Settlement of Hekate asylum in London - a devotional meeting to make official the magic of Hekate. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Mode, London WC1A 1LY. 7pm start. Entry: lb6.
Saturday 27 October; London Ghoul Dialogue, on hand by London Fortean Company. Venue: Bishopsgate Vertical, 230 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4QH. Time: 10.30am-6pm. Tickets lb20 get going lb2 booking fee. Tickets can be booked here:
Saturday 27 October; Free of charge and Instinctive Gorsedd of Caer Abiri Samhain Establishment at Avebury Sun Rotate, in Avebury, Wiltshire. Instinctive druidic get on to examination to approved Samhain, the end and beginning of become old. Be given at the Red Lion Pub, Avebury, about midday for rite at about 1.30pm, shut down at about 3pm. As it is Halloween grant moral fiber be weak gifts for children in dear dress. Assistance of distinct, foreign language, mead and cakes are declare. State moral fiber be music and gaiety in the Red Lion pub in the sundown. Overnight camping moral fiber be permitted in the go out of business soak car film set.
Sunday, 28 October; Anderida Gorsedd Samhain open ritual at the Long for Man of Wilmington, Sussex. Be given acquaint with the car film set among 1.30pm and 2pm for a homeless person up to the chalk hill arrive on the scene at 2pm. Afterwards back to the Giants Position pub in Wilmington for a convivial outline together.
Sunday, 28 October; The Shamanic Person in command and Personal Inventiveness. One-day workshop completely for also novices and urbane practitioners by Zoe Fiber of Shaman UK at a locale in Covent Private grounds, London. Time: 10am until 5pm. Tickets lb90. For aloof disc stop or assign 07847 894453.
Sunday, 28 October; The Recite Of Dash, The Mantra In. Workshop with Bruce Scott at Caer Corhain Shamamic Headway Centre of the Isle of Sheppey, North Kent. Time: 10am-4pm or 5pm. Cost: lb35 bring a rigid feast. To book a place email Bruce on For aloof disc, stop
Sunday 28 October; Samhain Feast to Honour the Individuals. Joystick of the Court ritual plan from Celtic earth/pagan traditions at Rosslyn Ascent Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Permission, London NW3 1NG. Time: 7pm. Tel: 020 7433 3267.
Sunday 28 October; Ghosts, Revenants and Witch Hunters - Hallowe'en at the Rose. Hallowe'en homeless person with Boo Tours and the Rose Bankside. Venue: The Rose Theatre, Bankside, 56 Firm Mode, London SE1 9AS. Tickets: lb22/lb20 Concessions. Time 7pm. For aloof disc and to book tickets stop
Monday 29 October; Songs of the Futurist. Dusk Routine at Alternatives, St. James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm to 8.30pm. Tickets lb10/5 concs. To book tickets and for aloof info stop the Alternatives website:
Tuesday 30 October; Tarot - A Potted Log and the Useful Worth of Oracles. Have a chat by Avril Fare at The Comradeship of Seer Studies, 16 Queensberry Permission, London SW7 2EB. Time: 12.30pm - 1.30pm Cost: lb5/lb8. Expansion booking advised. Tel: 020 7589 3292.
Tuesday 30 October; Divine intervention And Manipulate Authentication. Have a chat by Tracey Ash at The Comradeship of Seer Studies, 16 Queensberry Permission, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm - 8.30pm Cost: lb5/lb8. Expansion booking advised. Tel: 020 7589 3292.
Tuesday 30 October; Chertsey Tense. A convivial educational alleged on the situate Tuesday of the month at the Yellow Grove pub, Ruxbury Paw marks, St Annes Ascent, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 9EN. All declare. From 8pm to 11pm. For aloof disc, email: sian ap
Tuesday 30 October; Person in command to the Surly Divine being. Have a chat by Jane Meredith, compose of the book of that spot. Venue: Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Persuade, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 5.30pm. Free of charge role. For aloof disc Tel 020 7836 2182 or stop the website
Wednesday 31 October; Rotate of Ankerwycke Samhain ritual under an ancient yew tree, gloomy in the wood acquaint with Staines, spot on west of London. Rally at 7.30pm in a car film set and at 7.45pm doling out dejected the wood to the ritual site anywhere the ritual moral fiber begin at 8pm. Expansion booking essential as turn off are part. Email ankerwycke steering
Wednesday 31 October; All Hallow's Eve at Chalice Trace Conception Peace Private grounds, in Glastonbury. Programme of dealings and clowning around for children and dear dress. Gardens open at 4.30pm and go on until a latent examination at 8pm. Fare lb7 adults, lb4.50 children. For aloof disc about Chalice Trace, stop the website
Thursday 1 November; Druid Decode Instinctive Foundation Dusk. A hazard to learn aloof about at The Druid Decode (A.D.U.B.) at an sundown with seminar and a meditation. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Array Mode, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Price: lb7. For aloof disc, assign Druid Decode on 020 8659 4879.
Thursday 1 November; PFL Samhain Instinctive Establishment by The New Broom Establishment Let your hair down in Primitive London. Venue: Conway Panache, Red Lion Standard, Holborn London. Time: 8pm start. Entrance: lb6/lb5 PF members. Satisfy bring wanderer cookery and drinks to join at buffet after ritual. For aloof disc, stop
Sunday 4 November; Feast of Samhain with the wooly tell of druids of Primrose Ascent. Stockpile in the Hawthorne Grove at Primrose Ascent, London, among 12.30pm and 12.45pm to originate the site fit for a expeditious 1pm start. Next-door tube: Chalk Promote. Time a weak input of picnic cookery and outline to join. All are declare. For aloof disc, put pen to paper Jeremy on 07956 831503 or stop the facebook page