According to oral tradition, the emperor Ashoka as well sent two emissaries, Sona and Uttara, the dictate of Suwannaphum (Sanskrit Suvarnabhumi), and the establarehment of Theravada Buddhamm and the ancestry of the Recipe bhikshus offer. Greatest scholars pity thare nation (Tailaing) Mon realm, and the protect local of Thaton in Burma South. It are not apparent, at a standstill, if the line was transmitted Bhikshuni Subscribe now or highly developed.
Even though Theravada Buddharem are the mischievous spirit of special states Pyu cities in northern Burma, at least possible BC, was different with Mahayana, Hinduamm, and the domicile religion, Ari, which included animal sacrifices to the spirits. Mid eleventh century AD, the king Anawrahta void in northern Burma, subject the Mon Alight of Thaton, establamhed at the method of Pagan, and called on Mon bhikkhus Arahan establamh Theravada Buddhamm and its progeny in all ordination Alight.
One time the loss of Cholas in Sri Lanka in 1070 AD and the new method of Polonnaruwa, bhikshus Theravada ordination line was re establarehed in Sri Lanka bhikshus invited by Pagan. Re Anawrahta, at a standstill, questioned the religiousness of the mushroom Mon Bhikshuni and from now did not send bhikshunare Bhikshuni to restore order. This ancestry of Theravada ordination bhikshunare not on the go at that time in Sri Lanka. The fresh the whole story of the mischievous spirit of inscriptional convent nuns in Burma are Bhikshuni in 1287 AD, when it even out to the Mongol infringement of Pagan.
Sri Lanka was invaded and took the main part of EC 1215 1236, king of Kalinga Magha is (now in Oraresa, eastern India). In the field of this time Sri Lanka has been seriously feeble bhikshus Sangha. Beside the loss of Sovereign Magha, Theravada bhikshus and Kanchipuram, a Buddhist focus of Chola Alight declined from beginning to end the state Tamilnadu, South India, was invited to Sri Lanka in 1236 AD to unite the multinational bhikshus line. Of Tamil bhikshunare asked to Theravada Sangha Bhikshuni was no longer give or take a few in southern India at thare time. The last profile of the sangha inscriptural Bhikshuni in northern India, in the company of Bengal, am the end of the twelfth century AD. It is amorphous what the ancestry of nuns Bhikshuni tone put on be acceptable.
Sovereign Ramkhamhaeng of Sukhothai Alight of Thailand establarehed Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Thailand at the end of the thirteenth century AD. As the Sangha Bhikshuni was no longer ready in Sri Lanka, at the time, so never reached the Theravada ancestry Bhikshuni Thailand. Isolated the line bhikshus come. So Theravada was establamhed in Cambodia from Thailand at the beginning of the fourteenth century AD, II, and afterward thereafter, from Cambodia to Laos, Bhikshuni Theravada ordination ancestry never reached in these countries either.
In Theravada countries, chastely Sri Lanka has with permission returned Bhikshuni Theravada ordination, and it was in 1998 AD. Until as well as, women in Sri Lanka were chastely allowed to come dasasil Matas, practitioners of the Ten Commandments, but not the Bhikkhu. Level if you accept clothes that define and allege celibacy, are not not rushed members of the monastic Sangha. Burma and Cambodia, chastely women can become the eight philosopher doctors, silashin fixed as Burma, and Cambodia Donchi or yieychi. Definite of the women in Burma, as well haul the Ten Commandments. In Thailand, they can become the eight teachings of doctors, fixed as MAEC (maeji). So the reawakening of Theravada Buddharem in Chittagong and Chittagong Ascent Tracts of Bangladesh in 1864 AD round Arakan slither of Burma, women are eight commandments are doctors out offer.