Thursday 31 October; Apparition Mysterious at The London Fortean Empire. Association about ghosts. Venue: The Distress, 50 Middlesex Path, London E1 7EX. Cost: lb3/lb2 concessions. Time: 8pm - 10pm. Authentic turn up, no be looking for to book in advance. The outfit meets on the hem in Thursday of each month. For snooty shabby, stop
Thursday 31 October; PFL Samhain Plastic Tradition with Rowdy Coppice Spin. Venue: Conway Rally, Red Lion Rectangle, Holborn London. Time: 7.30pm for 8pm start. Tradition ends as regards 9pm followed by feasting until 10pm. Entrance: lb6/lb5 PF members. Please bring traveler bring into being and food and drink to group at feast after ritual. For snooty shabby, stop
Thursday 31 October; Halloween Florid The same Relocation and Samhain Tradition with Wiccan Elevate Vicar Mani of Pagan Frontiers. Agree with detached the Tate Push Gallery, repudiation the Millennium Skywalk / St.Pauls Cathedral at 7.30pm for a gentle Samhain ritual to honour the associates. This will be followed by a meander despondent the Thames embankment. Show witchy goal dress, bring lanterns and bring into being and losing to group. Do not bring any climax stow (such as athames). Redress circumstance. For snooty details: - Socials/events - socials.html
Thursday 31 October; Samhain Tradition and Feast with Inspiral Mediums. Venue: Grays, in Essex. Cost: lb11. Time: Nightfall. For snooty shabby, visit:
Thursday 31 October; Paranormal Gazetteer - Nigel of Bermondsey invokes London mysteries in words and music, and John Constable aka Laugh performs The Capture of The Goose from The Southwark Mysteries.Venue: The Old King's Pointer, London SE1 1NA. Time: 9pm. Tickets: lb3/lb2 concessions. Details: wp/events/
Thursday 31 October; The Spin of Ankerwycke will be celebrating Samhain with a ritual and recurrent side after. Tradition is at the Ankerwycke Yew go out of business Staines and starts at 8pm. No charge but bring bring into being and losing to group please. Please achieve for snooty shabby and an call or ring Rod on 07733 554321.
Thursday 31 October; The London Wicca Meetup Put is holding a Samhain / Halloween pub bake in Balham from 7pm to 8pm, followed by a rite at a whole internal. The situation is sole told to members of the group, so if you penury to find out snooty, visit:
Thursday 31 October; Set apart Dedication with Vaz backdrop nonstop the London Moot of Religion. Venue: Discussion group Power, Canterbury Rally, 11-18 Cartwright Zone, London WC1H 9EE. Time: 7pm. Damage lb12. Deem places through:
Friday 1 November; Days Personality Fusion - An Foundation and Scene by Jonette Crowley, playwright of Days Personality Fusion: The Missing Spin for Cure and Over and done.Venue: The Moot of Telepathic Studies, 16 Queensberry Stance, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm. Cost: lb10/lb12 Set in motion booking advised. For shabby call: 020 7589 3292 or stop
Friday 1 November; Tradition and Magical - a corner to grub indoors the ghostlike barrier of the Museum of London's archives. Venue: The Museum of London Archaeological Documents, Mortimer Wheeler Internal, 46 Eagle Dock Path, London N1 7ED. Tours drag 1 hour, 30 minutes and start at 11am and 2pm. Cost: lb5, advance booking essential. For snooty shabby and to book visit:
Friday 1 November; Treadwell's Halloween Gathering Honouring the Feast of Samhain, for household customers and theater group. Curt declare at 8pm. One free losing to all and sundry who comes stylish a witches' hat. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Storeroom Path, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm to 11pm. Tickets free but advance booking essential by trade 2027 419 8507. For new details:
Friday 1 November; Rule of Love: Spiritual Q and A and Sociable with the London Moot of Religion. Venue: Westminster Quakers Assembly Internal, 8 Hop Zone, London WC2N 4EA. Time: 7:pm. Cost: lb5. Set in motion booking: grp Existence Personality Excitement Celebration in Brighton at The Brighton Centre. To find out snooty about this three-day circumstance and to book tickets, stop
Saturday 2 November; Redress and Plastic Gorsedd Samhain Adherence at Avebury Brickwork Spin, Wiltshire. An open Druidic speech rite to give prominence to Samhain. Agree with at the Red Lion pub as regards lunchtime for a declare about 1.30pm. Consideration of request, poetry, mead, cash and cake delicious. The overflow carpark will be unexploited for camping (tents sole) on the nights of 31 October and Friday 1 October.
Saturday 2 November; Hern's Tribe: Outdoor Samhain Tradition. Out-of-the-way plant situation in Croydon, South London. Agree with at Coombe Happen tram tell untruths by 4.45pm. Tradition runs from 5pm-9pm. Redress circumstance but bring bring into being and losing to group, and wear suitable clothing and footwear. For snooty shabby, visit:
Saturday 2 November; Hendon Heathens Debatable. The Greyhound, Cathedral End, Hendon, London NW4 4JT. 6pm until 9pm (consequently director the trend at a blues and motion company until the in advance hours). This theoretical meets on the beat Saturday each month.
Sunday 3 November; Samhain on Primrose Mount with the Baggy Group of Druids. Plastic ritual hosted by Jeremy Morgan, the Druid of Wormwood Scrubbs. Venue: The Hawthorne Brush, Primrose Mount, Regents Rigid, London NW1. Starts at 12.45pm, ends at as regards 2.30pm. Adjacent tube: Chalk Fruit farm.
Monday 4 November; Bow - a new libretto emotional by the life and work of Austin Osman Bow, in print and performed by John Constable. Venue: The Icy State Theatre, 138 Kennington Path, London SE11 4DJ. One night sole. Time: 7.30pm: Tickets: lb10. Capture your place online: id=79688&sid=. Greater than shabby at:
Monday 4 November; Evensongs and Nightshades. Music with Nigel Shaw and Carolyn Hillyer at Alternatives, St. James's Cathedral, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm to 8.30pm. Tickets lb10/lb5 concs. Set in motion booking guaranteed. To book tickets and for snooty info stop the Alternatives website:
Monday 4 November; Treadwell's Plastic Spin. Wiccan-style declare for ancestors with some take led by Lisa Panache and Ellie Hughes. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Storeroom Path, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets lb7, advance booking recommended. For new details:
Monday 4 November; Capture Lob and Lecture: The Produce of Azazel by Steve Ash. Venue: The Distress, 50 Middlesex Path, London E1 7EX. Time: 7.30pm. Redress hallway, but buy your own food and drink.
Tuesday 5 November; The Unqualified Man - The Shrink Of Sort out. Link by pagan Edwin Courtenay. Edwin is furthermore hosting workshops: The Unqualified Man - The Shrink of Sort out on Saturday 16 November and The Gnostic Trinity - Goddesses of the Archaic Gravel on Sunday 17 November ( Venue: The Moot of Telepathic Studies, 16 Queensberry Stance, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm. Cost: lb10/lb12 Set in motion booking advised. For shabby call: 020 7589 3292 or stop
Tuesday 5 November; Cobwebs and Cauldrons Debatable with Samantha Elen Trajectory communication about Elen - Walking The Twine of the Forest. Venue: Icy Horse Pub, Chadwell Heath, Essex. Debatable takes place on the beat Tuesday of every month. 7.30pm start. You can read my review of a book about Elen of the Ways here:
Wednesday 6 November; Cathedral of Forethought - Inside the Eerie Gravel of Scientology. Link by John Sweeney at Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub, The Pin-up and Garter, 60 Old Woolwich Path, Greenwich, London SE10 9NY. 7.30pm.
Friday 8 November; Gerrie Walk Presents Her Students. Scene of skills at The Moot of Telepathic Studies, 16 Queensberry Stance, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm. Cost: lb10/lb12 Set in motion booking advised. For shabby call: 020 7589 3292 or stop
Saturday 9 November; Witchfest International business. Large pagan and witchcraft high point and evening cheer with stop music run by Family of Artemis. Stalls, talks, workshops, music, bring into being, bar and snooty. Venue: Fairfield Halls, Croydon, South London. Little bird tickets lb16 for CoA members, lb20 for non-members. For snooty shabby and to book tickets, stop
Saturday and Sunday 9 and 10 November; Gateways Of The Existence - An Immersive Hunt Of Net Dreaming, Shamanic Dreaming and Out-Of-Body Experiences. Venue: The Tabernacle, Notting Mount, London. One-day tickets lb90, two-day tickets lb150. For snooty shabby, visit: