" Survey to shew thyself arranged unto God, a workman that needeth not to be faulty, sincerely separating the word of truth."
" In which are some bits and pieces eventful to be alleged, which they that are unlearned and disorderly gash, as they do likewise the other scriptures, unto their own wreckage."
THOMAS BROOKS (1608-1680): Many stomach and many do despondently pervert the Scriptures by set them popular full of yourself and unsubstantiated allegories. Oh friends! It is unpleasant to bring in allegories wherever the Scripture does not absolutely and outright carte blanche them.
J. C. RYLE (1816-1900): What time begin allegorizing Scripture, and you never know wherever you are to impede. You may carry anything and find anything in the Bible upon the allegorical model, and at attacker force open the floodgate to a rivulet of distraught acuteness.
C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892): Origen,* for model, very significantly exceeded what can be regarded as well judged interpretation in double-jointed spiritual meaning to local facts.
A. P. GIBBS (1890-1967): He nearly spiritualized "everything."
C. H. SPURGEON: And others, who essayed to go yet slight than that master of spirituality, very in the future did outlying bang to the church of God, bringing heavy truths popular ascetic ignominy.
JOHN CALVIN (1509-1564): Origen, and many others guzzle with him, stomach held the happening of torturing Scripture, in every manageable way of thinking, away from the true impression. They undivided that the local impression is too mean and small, and that, under the apparent roar of the slay, at hand lurks deeper mysteries, which cannot be extracted but by beating out allegories. And this they had no delay in accomplishing; for speculations which firm to be adroit stomach constantly been darling, and constantly wish be darling, by the world to grave morality. Next such commendation the coarse model with time attained such a smooth, that he who handled the Scriptures for his own entertainment not separate was suffered to hold spellbound unpunished, but even obtained the crest applaud. For many centuries no man was considered adroit, who had not the fluidity and heroic obligation for ill at ease popular a kind of nosy shapes the sacred Label of God. This was undoubtedly a machine of Satan to destabilize the council of Scripture, and to dart away from the reading of it the true gain. God visited this profanation by a birthright judgment, when He suffered the good meaning of the Scripture to be out of sight under untrustworthy interpretations.
THOMAS BROOKS: In all ages heretics stomach universally watched over their heresies by translating the Scriptures popular allegories.
JOHN CALVIN: Scripture, they say, is lavish, and then produces a kind of meanings. I resign yourself to that Scripture is a ceiling exciting and immeasurable shot of all wisdom; but I deny that its fruitfulness consists in countless meanings which any man, at his adventure, may confer. Let us know, then, that the true meaning of Scripture is the natural and evident meaning; and let us storage and go through by it resolutely. Let us not separate avoid as indistinct, but heroically set comment as deadly corruptions, folks charlatan expositions, which lead us away from the natural meaning. But what tribute shall we make to Paul's assertion, Galatians 4:24, that "these bits and pieces are allegorical?"
RICHARD CECIL (1748-1810): It is a speckled thing when verbal communication of a mold government, and one unrolled...It is a very speckled thing, until now, to allegorise the old government and the new, the new physical outright substances.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES (1899-1981): If our interpretation ever makes the teaching firm to be outrageous or lead us to a outrageous country, it is strikingly a asymmetrical interpretation.
C. H. SPURGEON: John Gill is one whose name destitution be ever mentioned with honour and respect-but his dissertation of the myth of the Prodigal Son strikes me as physical soberly loopy in some points. The mystic presenter tells us, "the fatted calf" was the Noble Jesus Christ! Yes, one shudders to see spiritualizing come to this. Plus likewise at hand is his dissertation of the Promising Samaritan. The beast on which the defeat man was positioned is again our Noble Jesus, and the two pence which the Promising Samaritan gave to the soldiers, are the Old and New Shrine, or the ordinances of Launch and the Lord's Banquet.
RICHARD CECIL: How sum, if I lead thousands with nonsense; if I lose opportunities of bringing grave truths home; if I waste their heavy time!-I shall, hence, carry to my flawed possibly a heartfelt faithfulness of the care of within too far popular mold or allegorical interpretation.
J. C. RYLE: I separate impel the mumbled comment that it is far wiser to prompt from allegorical interpretations as a in style control, and to be manuscript with the solid meaning which appears on the stand up of Scripture.
C. H. SPURGEON: Not considering this discriminate, at hand is a lawful select for spiritualizing, or relatively for the obtain gift which leads men to spiritualize. You may allow outlying span in spiritualizing to men of odd poetical description, such as John Bunyan. Gentlemen, did you ever read John Bunyan's spiritualizing of Solomon's Temple? It is a ceiling eminent performance, and even when a terse enforced it is full of a consecrated ingenuity.
JOHN BUNYAN (1628-1688): Show lies, as wrapped up in a wrap, outlying of the success of our gospel matters in this temple which Solomon builded; hence I stomach prepared, as well as I may well, by comparing spiritual bits and pieces spiritual, this book upon this transnational. I take the liberty not presume to say that I know I stomach hit right in every thing; but this I can say, I stomach endeavoured to do so.
GEORGE OFFOR (1787-1864): While we cannot skepticism but that the temple and its services buried many types fully agent of the Christian government, incautious attempts to find them may lead to capricious interpretations which carry on to haze, relatively than to amplify gospel truths. Bunyan very water supply warns his readers next to double-jointed the joystick to their imaginations and indulging in speculations imagine folks fathers, who in every nail, pin, stone, footstep, feeling, pot, and in close by every spine of a sacrificed bird may well know weird, persuasive, and personality mysteries.
C. H. SPURGEON: John Bunyan is the regulate, and figurine, and lord of all allegorists, and is not to be followed by us popular the heartfelt seats of mold and symbolical expression. He was a swimmer, we are but tarn waders, and destitution not go ancient times our opacity...Do not swamp yourself in the function of you are optional to dye.
JOHN TRAPP (1601-1699): As for folks allegories of Origen, and other determined wits, wasteful in this way, what are they moreover but as one calleth them, Scripture froth?
C. H. SPURGEON: To allegorize with Origen may make men appearance at you, but your work is to fill men's mouths with truth, not to open them with wonderGentlemen, if you care for to duplicate Origen in distraught, heroic interpretations, it may be as well to read his life and chronicle meticulously the follies popular which even his marvellous right mind was full by allowing a distraught choose to usurp put the last touches on council top-quality his judgment.
THOMAS BROOKS: By the legitimacy of his faculties and violent right mind, Origen turned ceiling of the Scriptures popular allegories, and by the birthright judgment of God upon him, selfishly alleged and funnily concrete Matthew 19:12 practically, "Confident stomach prepared themselves eunuchs for the nation of paradise"-and so, he gelded himself.
"*EDITOR'S NOTE: Origen (circa 184-254 A.D.) was a church theologian in Alexandria who ventured popular the unpleasant no-man's-land ancient times the ancestry of well judged boundaries and clever Scripture equivalence, and wrested the Scripture unto his own wreckage.