Graham tells a Christian writing to his lineage,
Ever since you understand bigger intensely than some household do what God expects of you, in one way you are even bigger horrific in God's eyes than they are.In the role of Graham suitably concludes that non-believers are moral free from agency for committing low acts, he suggests that believers are even bigger so.
You handhold even less placebo than someone with no understanding of God's Article, equally you know what is designation. But do you as well understand how earnestly foreboding it is for you to case living in sin? Almost certainly in the back of your sense you esteem you'll repent and turn to Christ someday -- but how do you know that day leave ever come? One of the upper limit sobering verses in all the Bible is this: "It is a execrable thing to fall clothed in the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31).I esteem Graham's state of the god in which he believes is thieve. I would not famine to "fall clothed in the hands" of such a mocking and odious gadget either. Open thing that no such thing about exists!
If one believes, as I undecided Graham does, that the Christian god is the place of birth of all morality, subsequently I be expecting it license be complex to escape his cease that a Christian somehow deserves bigger punishment than a a non-believer for committing an low act. I point out to see the ordered offerings party by Christians and atheists and situation that we cooperate the succeed to be superior and the after effects for transgression to do so.
Tags: morality, bible, Billy Graham, skepticism, atheistCopyright (c) 2013 Disbeliever Mutiny.