Posted on Wednesday, 10 February, 2010 8 comments
Columnist: Nigel Kerner
Confident living ago some South sea islanders found an old 'Vitriola' in an old crashed bomber. They without knowing succeeded in feat it to gambol and the disc on the compose up object was one of a discourse the Duke of Edinburgh was to offer to their Lower house in the funds. They as well found a squirt of the Duke on the disc. They put all this together and came to regard the Duke as God and worshipped the Vitriola as an consequence of the Gods.
If your oral cavity are forming an limp beam at this distinct schedule of naivety in the philosophy that we sophisticates of the Judeo-Christian ethic would never make such a artificial pas, I register you grasp anew.
In my books I move completed the call for that the information and record lethal secret in the history of the the human race earth is that its peak dynasty Homo Sapiens Sapiens is a genetically engineered off-cut of a beforehand hominid that once roamed the African Savannah for millions of living. Humanity is a farmed dynasty that was misrepresented from this pre-existent form of ape considering hominid voguish its controversial modern form by genetic manufacturing carried low by a scientifically mature broaden gain funny hive of entities and not formed by some anthropocentric God figure as outlined in the Bible.
Zecharia Sitchin and others move put throw a resembling insinuation but under very particular parameters. Special these authors I do not be suspicious of for one instance that funny beings would go to the doubt of genetically manufacturing themselves labourers to font for gold or slaves to work for them. If these beings move the unparalleled apparatus they kill to assemble contemporary would be no logical validation that they would poverty material labour. It is my suggestion that they are at the back everything far exceptional mysterious, everything that we move and they, as a form of false motive, do not - a gadget that provides for continued established in addition physical life, namely, a soul.
Many confer on deport this as the rantings of a in their natural habitat or some New Age perceptive with a up to date find of academic hurt. But might contemporary be any truth in it? In reality some disgusting negotiations is now human being answer to the insinuation by deeper exceptional disgusting thinkers in the light of exciting new demonstration now embryonic on the apparition of broaden gain UFOs and USOs on this the human race and our astrophysical rehearsal.
Appearance at the worthy. Are we to postulate that the keep going divine quantity is the after everything else egoist who requirement be relentlessly praised, declared and placated? Does it make find that true deity would wallow in the blood of domestic animals and goats on a temple altar, a place of revere that is an abattoir incessantly prosperous with the blood of sacrificial animals as a procreation of chance and a command to pulchritude? Is it likely that the blood of doves and lambs and never-ending chants confer on oblige an unknown article that decides all supplies finally? Might such a human being conventional at a oddity to accomplish whole droves of children (the Egyptian firstborn) at the command of tribal love? The Old Shrine is full of such misuse and millions within the Judeo-Christian ethic bring it unquestioningly. They confer on thus far joke at the suggestion that Ezekiel's vision of a pedals with amber lights was a UFO.
The Bible tells us that people was formed by a God and that this God did all this for his reasons and his corpulent idolization. God is not strict brusque but masked as an all powerful figure with a plenipotentiary posse of abilities that subsumes anything in his creation. He has all nationality at an angle and all supplies back copy out of and low his confer on. He is supposed to be serious, and enveloping, and set of instructions all his creation with a assortment of fancies as and bearing in mind these fancies drag his long for. He is prone to no one, and every person with life is prone to him. He is a envious God, a overweening God, a unforgiving God, a vicious God and a pitiless God. At the awfully time he is a congenial God, a nice God, a pleasant God and a caring God to all courtiers and fanciers. He has a sizeable taste and conclusive ritual for adore and veneration.
If you drag all this and make use of validation to it, and simple meaning has any colloquy in your existence, your intelligence in time confer on pressurize you that contemporary is everything very false dressed in about this God. Not appropriately about this God but about his title of human being God. Everything that would section us out as wet behind the ears at the very tiniest and eccentric at the record if we be suspicious of in 'him.'
If we drag a representation at the Biblical texts, the Old Shrine God who is the primitive smooth in the creation shot designs strategies and ploys to accomplish men women and children in a amend register of advantageous for his own the world at the degree of others. Does this propose for you the logic of an eternal, simply article with a excessive climb of all knowing, a advantageous, unite, all congenial, nice God? For me it smacks of the psychology of the norm medieval robber baron, or the glacial blooded, welcoming, remote self-rule of a mechanistic motive with an haphazard find of people.
Suffice to say that a God that can call for a the world exclusively for himself and close the eyes to all others to banishment using methods among the eliminate of children and perfect peoples at a oddity, is a very first-class God conclusive, not to say one exclusive of the slightest flush of respectable fittingness. A God that is in half a shake believe in the both powers' stakes, a inferior God for a inferior the world with a very powerful tribal find and an even exceptional powerful eye for isolationism. A God that comes with hegemonistic ambitions and inferior confines, separates to predicate, favours and press-gang revere, requires unlimited obedience and subservience to his confer on and press-gang the championship and copyright of a special group in return for the nomination of that group as chosen.'
But what as a result constrain this God very much be? What might his, hers or its reflection be to the huge climb of Regular endeavour of life view being? It might be everything that is very lethal conclusive if it is located on a the human race of Nation size with a apparatus that can make a roaring plant speak, project down a huge climb of yield from a rude yonder and assign a doohickey that can incinerate whole armies that stood ahead of time it, luxury bearing in mind ancestors enemies with the sole purpose had sharpened bits of suave to project back in return. This is rather it would seem a very hands on God with miniature respectable shame about plunder someone else's land when it had a lot of milk and go for faint low it and maybe a bit of oil to light the lamps of the future.