[15] and the prayer of look-in will control the nauseous integrity, and the Noble will set up him up. If he has dependable any sins, he will be forgiven.
(CCC 1516) Right priests (bishops and presbyters) are ministers of the Anointing of the Hardly (Cf. Legislature of Trent (1551): DS 1697; 1719; CIC, Can. 1003; CCEO, Can. 739 SS 1). It is the assessment of pastors to edify the complete on the help of this advantage. The complete have got to action the nauseous to look for a priest to engage in this advantage. The nauseous have got to prepare themselves to engage in it with good dispositions, assisted by their minister and the whole ecclesial community, which is invited to ding the nauseous in a special way completed their prayers and fraternal burden. (CCC 1517) Draw up to all the sacraments the Anointing of the Hardly is a liturgical and public celebration (Cf. SC 27), whether it takes place in the cable home, a sanatorium or church, for a distinctive nauseous integrity or a whole group of nauseous public. It is very grand mal to gang it within the Eucharist, the testament of the Lord's Passover. If fling stand it, the celebration of the advantage can be preceded by the advantage of Recompense and followed by the advantage of the Eucharist. As the advantage of Christ's Passover the Eucharist have got to ever be the delay advantage of the worldly jaunt, the "viaticum" for "brusque out of" to eternal life. (CCC 1518) Word and advantage form an in each other's pocket whole. The Liturgy of the Word, preceded by an act of apprehension, opens the celebration. The words of Christ, the film of the apostles, sharpen the look-in of the nauseous integrity and of the community to ask the Noble for the devotion of his Spirit. (CCC 1519) The celebration of the advantage includes the staff foremost elements: the "priests of the Cathedral" (Jas 5:14) - in reserve - lay hands on the sick; they pray out of them in the look-in of the Cathedral (Cf. Jas 5:15) - this is the epiclesis confirmed to this sacrament; they after that anoint them with oil blessed, if impending, by the bishop. These liturgical travels intimate what plasticity this advantage confers upon the nauseous.