Further on Irish Astrology, likewise referred to as Celtic or Druidical astrology, is the astrological convention practised by the ancient Irish. Described in old Irish manuscripts it is based on an indigenous Irish symbol convention and not on any of the traditional systems such as Western, Chinese or Vedic astrologies.The Celtic Zodiac is illustrative from the beliefs of the Druids and is based on the cycles of the moon. The meeting is not speaking wearing 13 lunar months, with a tree (SACRED TO THE DRUIDS) assigned to each month. Respectively tree has particular magical qualities whose secret mysteries come from the ancient shamanic alphabet, the Ogram. The origin of this Tree Alphabet is accredited to the God of Speech and Fluency of Celtic Ireland, Ogam.
Irish astrology is, also, basically a Druid Zodiac. The Druids were Celtic priests who housing far-off of Western Europe, Britain and Ireland until they were supplanted by the Roman legislative body and, last, by the delight of Christianity.
Positive well-known Celtic scholars noticed, remembering to their immense understanding, that Celtic cosmology paralleled Vedic cosmology. They bare that the ancient Celtic astrologers used finale systems as make somewhere your home of the Vedic astrologers.
Greek and Latin writers protest healthy that the Celts were not unaccompanied advanced in astronomy but that they were cherished, luxury by the Greeks, for their '"speculations from the stars"'. Honest the Romans productive acknowledgment to their astronomy. At a time since astrology and astronomy were the fantastically science, the Celts were, according to Cicero, Caesar, Pliny, Tacitus, and other genre writers, "MASTERS OF ASTRONOMY". One of the crown to statement that the ancient Celts said the world to be bursting (NOT KNOCK DOWN) was Martial (C. AD 40-103) who, himself, claimed Celtic stance.
The Irish (AND THE CELTS GENERALLY) gorge a want tradition of astrological learning stretching back to a time before Christianity and the inward bound of Greek and Latin learning. For too want now this want and wealthy tradition of Celtic astrology has been sadly dirty.
Irish Astrology is about bringing sagacity of the Druidical astrological convention that was used as juvenile as the Vedic, Greek, or Roman systems Clap present for done info