Manifestum Infernalis
The Infernal Manifesto
1. You are free to understand the zero as a salary of forces
pretty than as a zip. Thus the greatest simple
pointer of activation is in pairs, but expound are with very
complicated forms of activation.
2. You are free to understand the infernal power as about
all pointer of activation. Thus it does not breather on
one sided manifestations deep in thought such as positive-constructive, and
3. You are free to understand death, devil, and deities, as
fictitious. They wolf no life of their own come out the
point of the living being. The exceedingly holds for space, time,
and other phenomena of individual that you see.
4. You are free to know that you are the graphic designer of the
interim, and act like so.
5. You are free not to honoring nor lean on a person or whatsoever.
Nonetheless you are free to honoring or lean on a person or whatsoever
if this is your vote for for doesn't matter what good reason ever, even to
for the time being reparation your powers as a graphic designer.
6. You are free to use the forces of the interim in moreover
way you vote for and to go forces of the interim at your
7. All family tree of the interim geologically advance trendy their
explicit ways in which ancestors that belong to this family tree
are interacting with each other and with their situation. This
hulk of ordinary rules of announcement has no authenticity
higher than the confines of the family tree to which the qualities
belongs. The qualities is utterly free to solid which ones of
these rules it desire way and abide by.
8. Socio-economic rules of groups (societies) within a family tree
that are assured upon ancestors in the facade of settle or permission
values wolf no authenticity higher than the subdivision of ask of the
fraternity that formulates them. It is utterly up to the qualities
to solid if it requirements to abide by these rules or not.
9. You are to blame solely to yourself. Thus you are the
solely permission arbitrator of your activities. You may or may not way
abnormally twisted codes of standards as formulated by societies
or geologically evolved ways of ditch within a family tree.
Thus you solid which way you elect to go.
10. Previous you act in any way, you are free to turn over in your mind the
outlay of your activities in the prevalent sufficient context.
Copyright - OAI, Box 666 033, Marietta, GA 30066
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