Book: The Witchs Master Grimoire An Encyclopedia Of Charms Spells Formulas And Magical Rites by Lady Sabrina
The Witch's Master Grimoire contains numerous spells and magical rites in an A-Z format that are simple and easy to follow. Many of them make use of the power of fire through the flame of a candle. Others rely on the subtle vibrations of herbs, plants, and minerals. Those that require special oils or incenses also provide the recipes for making them.Lady Sabrina also gives tips on the best and most productive times to cast spells. She recommends working with the phases of the moon, which can be found in The Old Farmers Almanac, or any good astrological calendar. The new moon should be used to begin projects, attract money, or regenerate friendships and health. During the full moon you should work on personal success, career, or love and marriage. Lastly, the waning moon phase is the perfect time to get rid of negative influences and bad situations.
Keywords: spell confidence magical tradition basics magick binding spell version handbooks magic contemporary magick magic mage book money spell seen before sexual basis spiritual role witchcraft right path might history gendered wiccan ritual calling invocation cain