This obviously is a long-term extended magic spell, rather than the type of quick-fix luck spell you might choose for a spontaneous trip to a casino. How will you benefit from this type of garden spell?
* The actual spell-casting and then time spent among the botanicals and their radient energy creates the desired adjustment on your own energy.
* The radiant energy of the coordinated garden draws and/or repels the targeted goal to you and your home in a more powerful manner than one botanical or amulet could achieve alone.
* This spell is a symbiotic, reciprocal process, which ultimately strengthens all living participants for their mutual benefit. The garden will additionally attract complementary animal and spirit allies who will also contribute to the success of your spell.
This type of magic spell is not limited to those with access to personal property or sunny weather. Magick spell gardens may be created idoors in pots. Furthermore, an entire garden need not be created; orne or two individual plants may be grown as part of a magic spell or to further other magic spells.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
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