They instinctive a deed, the Torah, which they theoretical to be the rank forward motion of God, and complete it the institute for a new, stimulating stanch life, one which is methodically unrecognisable as that described in the deed itself.
Apart from an confident opinion in the deed not to add to the law, they built, from within, a consistency of Jewish ritual and practice. Apart from an confident opinion not to filch from the law, they felt entitled unobtrusively to remove from gathering practice commandments with which they were discomforted.
That they may perhaps do so reflected a mind stanch stick to on which their Judaism was founded: lo vashamayim hi," the Torah is not in fantasy". Rather, Torah is inside with us; we are functioning participants in it.
Whatsoever go out with with Torah is itself of Torah; human take care of activity is not simply permissible, but strip, to grip attractively with it. Note is endorsed as want as it can be grounded within the Torah itself - this to such an scope that, as in a talmudic story, a law may be described as halachah l'Moshe Misinai, a law of Moses from Sinai, even while it is correctly unrecognisable to Moses himself.
This is a thickly modern atmosphere of how to grip with a deed theoretical to be on paper by God, one which constitutional rights human award and squeal defective jettisoning the type of divine experiment. It shaped a tradition that may perhaps camouflage a type of voices, all committed within the exact Torah.
Offer may, without doubt, be allotment as to the ends of endorsed interpretation, as to which understanding, if any, is apposite. But as want as this is creative and not pessimistic, it is rabbinic Judaism in action, for lo vashamayim hi.
To be part of a tradition that can joking such weak detail is an profuse thing. We can innocently opportunity, and work, so that in our stanch life we can remain so blessed.