ALEXANDRIAN HARVEST SPELL" elaborate plant-gathering ritual was recorded in Alexandria, Egypt during the first centuries of the common era.
1. The harvester first performs personal cleansing spells, while simultaneously purifying his or her body, which at that time meant refraining from sexual relations and eating meat, usually for a period of several days.
2. Sprinkle natron (the natural salt used in the mummification process) over the area being harvested. (Baking soda is a close, modern substitute. Dead Sea salt may also be appropriate.)
3. Place pine resin in a senser and use it to fumigate the area around the chosen plant, circling it three times.
4. Burn kyphi and pour a libation of milk, while engaged in simultaneous prayer and petition.
5. Finally pull up the plant, simultaneously invoking the name of the diety to whom the herb is dedicated, requesting assistance with the purpose of your spell.
6. The uprooted plant is rolled in a pure white linen cloth.
7. Blend seven wheat seeds and seven barley seeds in some honey. Insert this in the hole left by uprooting the plant and then fill it with dirt.
Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
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