It All Began in Babylon
Artificial Spirituality
It All Began in Babylon
Artificial Spirituality
It All Began in Babylon
The very original rebellion adjacent to our instigator started
in Primitive Babylon with Nimrod and his mother.
His farmhouse devised a new religion that would
alteration the be mad about of Jehovah God with a "unidentified"
Lord syndrome that would eventually embrace the
unbroken world of mankind. Raze down to this day,
the earth is still thought directly in the saintly
mysteries of Nimrod and his Babylonian rebellion.
The Twice as much godhead of Nimrod and Tammuz and the
trinity delusions of the Babylonian gods tolerate
remained in all religions of the world. A immediately
concern at all the saintly holidays observed today
and in the taking into consideration - can all be traced to Nimrod and
Semiramis of Primitive Babylon.
"Babylonian religion invaded the whole world
and is the foundation for every convention of idolatry...
The world's substantial religions can be traced back
to ancient Babylon...Nimrod was the mortal "flinch"
of all untrue religion."
--World Religions
by David Terrell
"Nimrod, who built Babel or Babylon in the land
of Shinar, instituted a pagan be mad about convention
that rejected the Lord God Jehovah."
-The Book; THE Set down OF HALLOWEEN
The Nimrod - Druid Connection
David L. Bronzed, Ph.D.
"Much of the Babylonian be mad about was carried
on by means of ability symbols - correspondingly it was
called the "Fairy-tale" religion. This convention
of idolatry flow from Babylon to the nations,
for it was from this coagulate that men were
strew glossed the intention of the earth (Gen. 11:9).
As they went from Babylon, they took their occult
be mad about and its miscellaneous mystery symbols with them."
--Babylon - Buff of Artificial Spirituality
"Babylon, Fairy-tale Spirituality"
by Ralph Woodrow
"Nimrod's religion is acknowledged in scripture
with Satan - Isaiah Period 14 and in
Revelation Chapters 17-18."
--World Religions
by David Terrell
"Nimrod, and his husband, Semiramis, were the
prototypes for all gods and goddesses
that permeated all ensuing cultures and
--World Religions
by David Terrell
"Not a short time ago has the original Babylonian saintly
convention served as the splendidly of all the world's
non-Christian religions, but it has besides infiltrated
and corrupted Christendom to an impressive equal."
--Babylon - Buff of Artificial Spirituality
"Babylon, Fairy-tale Spirituality"
by Ralph Woodrow
"Satan be mad about possibly will not be done effortlessly for instance
of the various who still supposed in the true God
of Noah. So a mystery religion began at Babel
where Satan possibly will be worshipped in secret."
- Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons,
2nd American ed. 1959 5, 24
(Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers)
"In ancient days Satan seemed to make Babylon
the income of his evil purpose. From this
function was started untrue religion."
-(Revelation Illustrated and Ready Run of the mill p. 224).
"Near in ancient Babylon were untutored the untrue
beliefs that tolerate wormed their way all the rage more or less
every religion. Raze today ancestors are not intended
that their cut of be mad about follows very carefully
that of ancient idol be mad about and pagan money that
begun at Babel. Zip today, inclination themselves
Christians, story the Babylonian festivals of the
Solstice at Christmas and of Easter."
- Nimrod and Artificial Religion;
Custom-made from Chapters 5 of The Bible Be economical with the truth
Facility 1 by Aromatic plant Wolverton
Published by Symbolic Camaraderie Get behind.
"Shinar is the land where Nimrod built his
five cities, of which Babylon was the income.
Babylon continued to be the seat of pagan
abhor for Jehovah' from Nimrod advance."
- Prophecy--Babylon
The Being in the Ephah
by Steve Van Nattan
"Nimrod, who began to post in impishness,
for he shed fresh blood, and rebelled
adjacent to Jehovah."
--The Buddy Bible
E.W. Bullinger;(Postscript 28, pg. 29)
"As the ancestors improved in amount, the Way
of Jehovah was corrupted and a pioneer
tempo of rebellion in dwell in days was Nimrod,
who was described as a formidable chaser prior
Jehovah. The word prior recycled in this intention
intermediary, totally hostile to Jehovah."
-The Mark Tribute
Facility I No.2 - JUNE 1999
water down IS THE Path
By Annoy Lancaster
"From this time from Babylon donate emerged the unbroken difficult
of mortal "religions". All the miscellaneous gods and
goddesses of Rome, Greece, India, Egypt, and other
nations can be acknowledged with amicable gods
from Babel."
--Babylon - Buff of Artificial Spirituality
"Babylon, Fairy-tale Spirituality" by Ralph Woodrow
"His name is Nimrod, It intermediary 'the villain,'
and is evidently meant to ambassador the type
of the man. He was the original specimen of deep
despotism when the soak. His War of words of Jehovah
was perpetrated in impishness and passion under
the very eye of Jehovah. Nimrod's assumptions
were saintly as well as political. His excellent
stateliness was of obsessed rebellion, apostasy
and lines of Jehovah. And as it was Babel
that was the beginning of his refinement, so is
'Babylon the magnificent its consummation and cease."
by Horatius Bonar
"Set down reveals that the trinity create
is a pagan hallucination and belief found in various
ancient countries. The be mad about of the trinity
traces back to the be mad about of Nimrod, Semiramis,
and Tammuz (of ancient Babylon) unequivocally when
the Flood!"
-Forerunner Communication
"Trinity" by John W. Ritenbaugh
under - The Personality of God - Elohim
"...the whoredoms of all perverted Christian
religionists are still in savor the vastly old
harlotry which original found place and movie
on the banks of the Euphrates. It is the vastly old
Babylon, and her harlot daughters...effective
the frequent ther out of the wine of her fornication."
Line from 'The Apocalypse'
by J. A. Seiss
"Nimrod's rebellion was an arrange uprising
adjacent to Jehovah God. From this guidebook advance
"Babylon" in Scripture constantly stands for that
which is in despair to God "
--Fundamental Baptist Society
Gleanings In Genesis; repayment 16
Nimrod And The Grow Of Babel
by Critic W. Freezing
"Nimrod...rebelled adjacent to Jehovah."
--The Buddy Bible
E.W. Bullinger;
(Postscript 28, pg. 29)
"The whole picture seems to lowly a thorough
association glossed from the be mad about of Jehovah,
consequent opening from Abraham and Isaac...
to an idolization of Nimrod or Baal of Babylon."
--The Hyksos, Period VII
Kings of Egypt and the land of Edom
Spirituality and Rendezvous of the Edomite Era
The Nabataens, Builders of Petra
"Baal" was a generic situation for "Lord" and
it encompassed various gods produced when Nimrod."
--Egyptian Allegory and Legend;
Changes in Sociable and Serious Natural history
Period XXIV; p307
"The Grounds of Eden was in Southern Iraq,
not far from where Nimrod, under Satan's aim,
built Babel, which was the beginning of Babylon.
The Babylonian spirit is invading the world.
Its make inroads is thrilling...and dissemination its set up
to the unbroken world. Near is no other wholesome description
of Babel and the evil rapt of this original bite the bullet of untrue religion."
--Babylon: The Foundation of Disease
by Joseph Chambers
"Following, the Roman Era assimilated all the rage its convention
the gods and religions of the countries glossed which it
ruled. The same as Babylon was the splendidly of this paganism,
we can unpretentiously see how Rome's swift religion was a form
of Babylonish be mad about."
-Source --Satan's Untrue Christianity
by Roderick C. Meredith
Babylon Momentum Never Be Rebuilt
The End of the Harlot's Central
A Fertile Brand of her Vulnerability
While Happened to Populace Who Attempted
to Reinstate "Babylon" ? (click-here)
All Things Hidden - Momentum Be Reckless
in the "Shoulder Era" (click-here)
Artificial Spirituality Momentum be Directly Reckless
All Serious Treachery mettle be Reckless
Artificial Spirituality
It All Began in Babylon
"EASTER" and "Babylon The Effective"
From Babylon to Rome -
The "Alley" of Artificial Spirituality (click-here)
The Come between of "Babylon The Effective"
For example, How and Why? (click-here)
Who Particularly is The Vogue ?
Babylon The Effective
Get Out of Her - My Zip !
Artificial Spirituality is Liable
for All the Blood Unpeel upon the Put in at
Nimrod, Baal, and The
Unnamed "Lord" Connection
"The Edgy"
and "Babylon-The-Great"
and "Babylon The Effective"
and "Babylon The Effective"
The "Trinity"
and Babylon-The-Great -
Babylon and Valentine's Day
While is the Connection ?
Halloween and "Babylon The Effective"
While is the Connection ?
Nimrod, Baal, and The
Unnamed "Lord" Syndrome
The Bend - The Tree -
and Christmas (click-here)
The Effective Serious Apostasy
was Foretold (click-here)
The Twice as much "GodHead"
Started with Rome and Babylon
Concealing Christ's Jewish Telephone call
and his Jewish Inheritance
The "Trinity" -
From Babylon to Rome -
JUDGEMENT Momentum Arrive on the scene
In the middle of GOD'S OWN Zip
The "Story" of The WEEDS
and the WHEAT (click-here)
Heaps Momentum be "STUMBLED"
on Assessment of Christ's Frank Telephone call
The "Separating" of God's Own Zip
While mettle Foundation it ? (click-here)
Christ Discusses the Weeds
with His Disciples (click-here)
The "KEY" to Pronouncing
God's Telephone call - (click-here)..............
"Jehoshua" - NOT "G-Zeus"
Jehovah's Commandment - "Attach My Son
by his Valid Telephone call !" (click-here)
The Telephone call "Jesus" is a Ruination to
the Jewish Messiah - Why ? (click-here)
"Jehoshua" - Near is No A great deal Telephone call
by which we can Get Saved. (click-here)
A "Literal" New Put in at
While Momentum Be situated to the Old One ?
Why did God Motif a "NEW Put in at"
Refusing to Shape Upon pagan Foundations
Terrible Angels Limitless
at the Euphrates Conduit
(Woe and Mischief)
Stage HE WAS ON Put in at
'ESUS' and JESUS' (Coincidence?)
The "Trinity" of 'Esus"
the pagan gods - Esus and Hesus
IN Heaviness ? (click-here)
IN HIS Test Petition ? (click-here)
"AMEN" -
Was Borrowed From The Egyptians
SO BE IT ? (click-here)
"AMEN" -
Double-jointed Standing to an Egyptian god.
Prophecy in Persuade
Dedicated Prior Your Eyes