* thirty-six decans
* twelve pseudo-decans
* eleven unused gods to make up the modification in breadth between the through the ceiling year (365 days) and the lunar year (354 days)
... for a unreserved of fifty-nine deities. In "Hibis Ridge Aim" Size I (p 185-), Eugene Cruz-Uribe reconstructs the elaborate put under somebody's nose of gods in the room with the help of lists from unacceptable.
A lioness-headed goddess, perhaps Sekhmet, makes a dumbfound announce between Decans 21 and 22 (and Ptah between Decans 25 and 25a), and as well at the end of the list. According to Cruz-Uribe, this tells us everything about what the list of deities is for.
As he brochure, Sekhmet is invoked for protection at the time of the New Engagement - she is "unendingly found on a form of little objects, adrift or with Ptah, as part of an charm to an accept wishing them a good year". According to Yoyotte, "Sekhmet appears to epitomize the perils that requisite be reckoned with each and every day of the year"; at Dendera she is unlimited a name for each of the thirty days of the month, and the king makes benevolence to each one - assuring Re's essay success complete the forces of upheaval. (At the Karnak temple, Yoyotte believes, impart would have possession of been a unreserved of 365 Sekhmet statues - one for each day of the year.)
Now at Dendera, the king invokes the decans' help in peace-making Sekhmet. So this is Cruz-Uribe's interpretation of the elaborate enter side of time gods on the top at Hibis, and the phantom of Sekhmet and Ptah with them - to protect versus upheaval in the New Engagement rituals understood at the put back of the praising calendar and the lunar one.
"Cruz-Uribe, Eugene. "Hibis temple jut out, Vol 1: Translations, unfolding, negotiations and sign list". San Antonio, Texas, Van Siclen Books, 1988.
Parker, Richard A. The Calendars of Drab Egypt. Studies in Drab Oriental Organization 26. Chicago: The College circles of Chicago Coerce, 1950. (Now then of the "alter ego year" intent.)
Yoyotte, J. Une monumentale litanie de granit. Les Sekhmet d'Am'enophis III et la conjuration permanente de la D'eesse dangereuse. "Sparkle de la Soci'et'e Francaise" 87-88, 1980.