The Fact list of Thoth: but get the Thoth deck
The way of four: I found it was easier to understand the tarot behind I thought the habitual dealings with the elements. After that an understanding of the tools, Prize (Porcelain, Caldrons), Swords (Athame, Prick), Pentacles (Cash), and Wands (staffs) and their dealings. Cosmological dealings and number dealings are with fine too learn. Find out about what each represents symbolically. Transport the time to study each card unofficially.
The Tarot Bible. It is very simple and plain. A good quick excerpt.
Put on are with good online sites. I don't know any off the bat. I simply unsnarl and find one.
See a book of your readings so you can see how you cheer up. Try payment readings to yourself to get comfy and as well as possibly practice on some friends :)