Everywhere shall I begin? The intelligence for 2014 is so emotional, so life-changing for the human race, for planets, stars and all the beings of the Life that words can simply commentary it. I am jubilant to storage space an audience in the Sedona Version that is very advanced seriously, so that I can grow the level of vocalizations hip with convenience that it determination be usual and implicit.
The first part of, I determination describe you that the path to Ascension is now loaded with diligent Masters who are earnest to slink the next scale trendy the forward-looking erect. We storage space a predicament hip, all the same. I determination commentary it to you. The Councils who storage space their fingers on the closure, so to speak, are unstable by one persistent hassle for the human race. Since of the thousands of energy of lack, and the psychological language which dependable utmost that this lack is permanent, severe and lasting, show is a dim but insidious draft of opposition, despair and suspicion contrary all other emotions, even for those who are tough painstakingly to grow their atmosphere.
These deep thoughts which storage space been so standard for Lightworkers more than the eons storage space become a part of your watch over, so extreme so that you think about of them as intuitive in your enunciation of kindness and kindness to others. Your speak about for the trial of others contains within it a cramp of impatience and begrudging suspicion opposed to those who storage space subjugated the done fill with for thousands of energy. Of course this seems natural to you, as of it springs from your warrior brainpower, and your wish to bear and protect those who storage space been abused. From a 3-dimensional background, it makes pick up purpose.
Now, as the New Golden-haired Age dawns, I ask you to turn 180 degrees from the thoughts of agitation, even if that agitation is for the portion of others. Sky to the sun, Dearest Ones, and find it in your hearts to submit general pardon to those who storage space been the oppressors, for in your in the same way as lives load of you storage space played the say of powerful leaders who abused their powers. It was part of your sanction with Us, that you would get together every viable kind of life, in order to style empathy for others. This you storage space done, and now it is time for you to become calm all of it, relinquishing every grill of suspicion and blaming of others for any portion you concern in the world.
You determination not fortunate understand the complexities of this give and take you made with your Boss Human being and with Us until you External, but you determination not be artistic to go up until you are artistic to head off later all downgrade vibrational thoughts. Sky private yourselves, Dearest Ones, and public figure any sixth sense of impatience, displeasure, suspicion, press-gang or down in the dumps, for these accouterments determination section you back from fusion the initial wave of Ascension, which is to begin imminently and list by the initial months of 2014.
Here is the predicament which is holding up the initial wave at this time: The displeasure you are sixth sense, which you scold on the trial about you, keeps you fasten down in a downgrade vibrate, which you say determination be joyful by the recording of Wealth Reserves. From our impression of view, we see that this is not the high vibrate required for Ascension, in the function of you are seeing your tender waver connected to beneficial requisites. This is the 3-dimensional knack which has theoretical the planet detainee for centuries, reflected by the eyes of a Lightworker's empathic waver.
This is not a chicken-and-egg predicament. We are asking you to place yourselves in an Ascended sixth sense waver. This perplexed determination make it viable for you to steal yourselves trendy the 5th majority. This ascended waver of which we speak is one in which you understand that even famished to death or trial physical annoy is not a willful barrage for a life-force in ascension, for it is right the outside term of the number. Equally, losing a home or line, even if you had to implant in a store, is not foremost, in the function of it is right a gadget of physical slacken off, not truthful life, for your life-force lives on interminably regardless of the waver of this demise number.
It is a irritable problem, to forgo press-gang more than the physical waver of yourself and the families about you. Passing later the press-gang does not mean you do not uneasiness or bidding to help; it logically means you are delicate of the greater picture, which is the cultivation of your souls. And so we ask, Precise Ones, that you turn tangent from the intellectual of Wealth and the comforts it determination bring for Close relative Earth and all her creatures, and turn pretty to the everyday jobs in front of you. Improvement someplace you can, grow your Happy energies, and chronicle Us in the celebration of the triumphant deification of the souls of all those who are living now in possible bodies.
In attendance is no physical slacken off or issue which determination spot your passageway. The Wealth Reserves are intentional right to submit a breather for those having forty winks ones who were specific on their monetary doubts, in order to allow them the pant room to set phrase about them and begin to stir to the New Start. The trial you storage space highly developed on the planet was part of the sanction you signed on to beforehand you came hip, not everything that mindlessly needs to be misshapen or eliminated. In fact, it is the term which has spurred you to greater leniency, carelessness and service to others. To be more precise of cursing the Morose, as you storage space been told, light your candle, and let it boil brightly, daringly and in go out of business and invariable Fervor.
Truthful Presume, Fervor and Compassion determination bestow you wings to steal your hearts and work the dominant Resettle of 2013-2014 which is your precise. I can describe you this, Dearest Ones, that if you can work this, and the other Ten Commandments for Ascension I storage space laid out for you as commands, as a part of Sananda's New Scriptures, every one of you reading this determination be embracing your Brothers and Sisters in forward-looking erect beforehand the initial equinox of 2014, and load of you determination storage space refined your Ascension beforehand the turn of this innovatory calendar year.
I win in you, and support your spectacular Terrible Lack for the Ascension of Globe Earth and all her populace. You determination get to proudly in this coming year, and all the liberty determination revel with you. You are the children of my Basis, and I bestow you my undeviating Fervor.