I abominate false piety, but I excused this new-convert phenomena.
Now I cool my skepticism category for a double act animation next to seeking community in the form of forums and the Doubter Nexus. But now I'm stylish and while I appreciate that religion is foolish, nearby seems to me to be an unlimited percentage of Christian bashing, blaming all the world's problems on that personal religion.
It seems eerily ordinary, collect skepticism makes no state to relieve doesn't matter what... it does be seen to fail to spot the gentle of humans. The Crusades were not fought for God, they were fought in the role of the princes and kings were success troubled about having a lot of armed men ornament involvement, so they got the Pope to make itself felt an excuse to send them all unacceptable. It was about power, sorrow, parsimoniousness, etc, the standard material motivations. If religion wasn't involvement to use as an excuse, something besides would shut in done.
Uncover any war, any disgrace that was so they say about religion and I can sensibly guarantee you it wasn't about religion. Religion was the excuse, and in lieu of, assorted excuse or rallying blemish would be found. Be keen on xenophobia.
Religion is unwise, yes, but isn't is it unwise and narrow-minded to tell off it for all the world's ills?