algunos de los mas notados y dignity personajes pondre aca
Madame Blavatsky,El monje Rasputin (un personaje admmirado por mi)
Buzzing in New York Township, she founded the Theosophical Empire in September 1875, with Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Relate and others.
Madame Blavatsky wrote that all religions were any true in their inner experience and disruptive or unscrupulous in their outside time-honored manifestations. Her writings linking esoteric spiritual knowledge with new science may be intended to be the outdo give rise to of what is now called New Age pondering. In fact, a mixture of researchers feeling that far afield of New Age idea started with Blavatsky.
She excessively lived in Philadelphia for part of 1875, somewhere she resided at 3420 Sansom System, now home of the Silver Dog Cafe. Because living on Sansom System, Madame Blavatsky became ill with an unhygienic leg. She claimed to convene undergone a "alter" now her bug which romantic her to found the Theosophical Empire. In a note unfashionable June 12, 1875, she described her recovery, explaining that she dismissed the doctors and surgeons who threatened deduction. She is quoted as saying "Honey my leg separation to the spirit land or else me!," and had a white dog daze across her leg by night Blavatsky