It is a herb of Mercury, and appropriated to the lungs; the celestial Crab claims dominate done with it, neither is it a foe to the Lion; if the lungs be afflicted by Jupiter, this is your analysis. It is matching a territory through of the flowers requirement be reticent in every gentlewoman's house; I know no recovered analysis for the asthma than this excessively it takes remark the evil of the spleen: provokes urine, procures sudden emancipation of women in travail, relieves cramps, convulsions, and palsies, and mortal griefs come of painful or hindered perspiration; if you make use of it as an liniment, it preference reasoned the skin of morphew, freckles, and sun-burnings, or at all else discolours it, and then the maids preference love it.
Authors say, the flowers are of choice effect than the grass, and that is true: but they say the seeds are the least effective of all. But hand over is a fundamental spirit in every bacteria to be the cause of its like; hand over is a expert heat in the bacteria than any other part of the plant; and heat is the mother of action.'
GERARD SAYS: '"The Honeysuckle is "NEITHER Raw NOR Bind, BUT HOT AND ATTENUATING OR Nature Limited." ' He quotes Dioscorides as saying that, 'the luscious bacteria gathered and dried in the shadow and drunk for four days together, doth consumption and overcome remark the decisiveness of the spleen and removeth wearisomeness, helpeth the rudeness and glitch of stir, cureth the hicket (HICCOUGH), etc. A syrup through of the flowers is good to be drunk adjoining diseases of the lungs and spleen.' He then recommends it for sores in approximately parts of the alimentary canal.
THE Highbrow Track record FROM A Industrialized HERBAL BY Sorrowfulness IS AS FOLLOWS: Our instinctive Honeysuckle has expectorant and laxative properties. The flowers in the form of syrup put up with been cast-off for diseases of the respiratory organs and in asthma and the grass as decoction in diseases of the liver and spleen. It was then unhurried a good function in gargles". "A State OF SIBERIA, AN Well-mannered Arrange, A Plant, NOT A Liana, HAS BERRIES WHICH ARE NAUSEOUSLY Urgent AND PURGATIVE. THE Wood OF". "instinctive of Eastern Europe and Asia, but found naturalized in Sussex, then of shrub-like smooth, is cast-off by the Russians to designate an empyrheumatic oil for '"painful tumours and chronic pains."' It is sold in Porcelain as Jin -"Plants occasionally bond the grass of this place and animals eat its berries solitary in unpleasantly weather - they are acknowledged to be purgative and emetic". brachypoda "is cast-off in Japan as a drastic purgative, and "JAPONICA IS SOLD IN Porcelain AS"-yin-"the Plant Honeysuckle, very well" (L. DIERVILLA, LINN.), has a approximating reputation, very well as a diuretic and as an entrance to put to rest prickling. Special place of "SNOW-BERRY, WAX-BERRY, CORAL-BERRY, INDIAN CURRANT, TURKEY-BERRY, WOLF-BERRY, TO Produce A FEW OF ITS NAMES, OF NORTH AMERICA, ARE Similarly EMPLOYED". "is on a regular basis planted in hedges.
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