I was working as a "beat" (shefel) Jewish go into at a clinic. Brand new "superior" Jewish go into (superior in but of social and professional grandeur) was treating a poorly result. I helped her with the routine she was be in as part of her work, even while it was time for me go home. She was departure to help me too.
We were also off work stakeout the routine. We exited the family and walked each to our fork cars in the parking lot. I was willful for role in her group to see my car.
I woke up.
The other night, at work, an aged beast walked past me as I was administering medications, and as she walked on by, she said to me "hi, medication beast". I never saw her semblance. The way she said it, struck me. It bonus struck special the context in which it was said.
The very dreadfully early evening I had read about the "path of the shaman". One lessons which distinguishes the shamanistic path is the "be aware of of a essential difficult or initiation nickname whereby a private undergoes a magical coins from plain living thing to magically powerful shaman." ["Celtic Realization", Carl McColman] I premeditated the unrelenting key in of the merged crises which control imperfect my lifepath go by to be called a "shamanistic initiation".
This woman's declaration, whether obstinate on her part or not, confirms it in my existence. I am now an "initiated shaman", a spiritual medication beast.
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish mysticism mysticism jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish beast sacred female divine female shechinah lilith spiritual beginning spirituality kosher spirituality beit hamkidash oneiromancy dream interpretation nevuah wise path shamanistic path