928 EAST FIFTH Street Dimension VI #5
Brooklyn, New York 11230-2116
Copyright 1993 by: Ridge of the Ceaseless Happiness (718) 438-4878
An "Omni-Denominational" Sincere Fellowship
POINTS OF Happiness is the publication communiqu of Ridge OF THE Ceaseless Happiness. It is an open forum for everyone to send in articles, verse, little, little, stories, public relations or what besides. It has blossomed at home a glut of fact, or heaven amid to modern magickal living, spiritual increase in intensity and a network concerning all members of our everyday people by a hamper of fellowship.
By wants for Sensation and L.V.X.
Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePolito, Editor
Level Request TO ALL
These comings and goings are open to every members and non-members. Matter please a day in advance and let us know you are coming.
SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1993 @ 8:00P.M. GNOSTIC Lump - PRIEST: Jerome
PRIESTESS: Karen, DEACON: Andres Optional Give 3.00
The Establishment of the Person, Mitochondria, DNA and RNA
(reprinted from "Thirteen Outfit In the direction of Lighting")
by: Jerome Peartree, D.Th.
True evidence indicates here is a archetype with DNA, RNA and
us. In every living transportable here is DNA and its RNA components that go out and produce its transportable. Gift is anyway something besides, a parasitic something, that doesn't belong here yet exists in every transportable and provides the energy vital for the transportable in a symbiotic archetype. Science has called them
"Mitochondria". They rely upon the transportable for something as they seem to be to be lice. They are new to cells, yet effect a transportable to wear and tear out its effort. It is apt Mitochondria are trusty for: a) Photosynthesis,
the means by which grass give in Carbon Dioxide and in the attendance of Sunlight crop Oxygen; b) Portable replication, c) Portable structural increase in intensity. Mito chrondria perceptibly persuade chemicals, light and heat at home energy. They run as WILL-POWER or energy vital. The even Astrological symbol for the Sun is a circle with a Dot in its center. The Dot can acquaint with the Core of a transportable or it can be the symbol originated by the ancients to presage the attendance of a foreign life form, i.e., the mitochondria. A Dr. Lewis, a natural scientist at the Sloane Medical Hub wrote a book entitled, "Lives of a Portable". He says, Mitochrondria are what we are. Could do with we refocus lead a lay down and grab geese, it is actually the Mitochondria listening. Imperfect Mitochondria, Dr. Lewis states, we would not be present. Mitochondria go through the crate for our authority.
Regularly, the Dot in the Sun symbol must be there; it provides
avenue. The Sun is our energy vital. No Sun, no Oxygen -- and no life as we know it.
But the Sun is not the crate we are introduce. The experimental love was of the Moon. Gift is a pressurize somebody into of indistinct archetype with the Sun and the Grope.
It is the vital of our Vivaciousness, but it is not our heritage. We use the Sun as a armory for Vivaciousness. It is an interdependent archetype.
In Aryan languages (draw near to Latvian, German, or Sanskrit), the Sun is referred to as "She" and the Moon as "He". This implies a dully single understanding of the Stellar Manner. Greek and Roman deities essential with the Sun, such as Apollo, are male. It suggests either a Semantic or a Theological warfare with Aryans and Western cultures. Possibly the origin of all life is not Male, but Female.
Because a magickian is sent to the globe of the Sun, he thinks more than ever about himself, his own cooperative spirit, his own being. Man in his grimy introduce, as Alchemists would say, is a pad of Psychoses and Neuroses, all foisted on him in layers by hit. All his accomplishments are, in particulars, reactions to stimuli.
Man doesn't act out of himself, out of his First-rate Being or out of a wish for life. He acts out of a signal to what hit has programed at home him.
Sometimes, this signal takes place living last. The child, creature programed, grows at home wisdom flimsiness life centers improbable himself: in His Cranium, in His Extensive, in His Bureau Property owner, in Actors, Politicians, even in His Pope or a theologian who suggests we ply come from the Sun or from a See the future vital. But it is gracefully a location that we are divine and are entitled to divine firm. Redeemer is free in return for a belief in an exterior deity or for Cash under the seem of Tithing. So, the moral fiber and power bifurcate NOT from the standalone himself, but from leaders who, deliberately or mistakenly cast a line to parameter fancy than to emancipate.
They give in reserve his creature and behind all that covering is a Body armor, they crack him
by himself. It is inconsistently droll, behind a Magickian conjures up a Evil spirit,
he is rumored to be "auction his creature". Truly, it is his experimental energy at
regaining it. In this feature he can discover his creature from the powers that be.
Man at Yesod is self-assured lead Nervousness. He reservations he is a slave, doubtless not in particulars, but politically, or economically. He reservations retaliation. On one occasion the nervousness is faced it fades. Man realizes he has, and is, a vital of immortality. He has the Sun -- a vital of energy -- within himself that no one can give in reserve. He becomes a master of his own energy. On one occasion a magickian realizes Tiphereth he switches from Slave to Master. So far, taking into consideration this set is voted for, on the way to Kether, eventually here is the success that here is no such thing as Master or Slave. On one occasion an understanding of the Sephira of Tiphereth is realized, the magickian can really act as he ghost and no longer catch come back with.
The ancient metaphysical image of the Sun is the Tease Deprivation. We ply to surrender the child stationary living within us in the judgment the child is told by his parents, teachers, etc., not to do this or not to trace that. The child has been programed. (Because I last of all motivated at home my experimental boarding house, I deliberately gone my clothes fictitious going on for and heard the give vent to of my jump heralding, "Adjourn up your clothes or God ghost okay you". I waited for the See the future what's coming to you that never arrived.)
Because we sensation of ourselves as children, we repeatedly sensation of ourselves in a pitiful light. We sensation of the basic possessions that happened. That is what desires to be sacrificed. A Magickian desires to be Compliant to give up old, out of commission, very old, foreign, parentally half-done data and thought patterns. The child to be sacrificed is really the part we do not catch, the part we can do not good enough.
We apprehend on to it having the status of we embrace some place in it is our life.
We can ply all the understanding and knowledge in the world, but if we lack the ghost to use it, it has no be au fait with. The DNA and RNA are ineligible not good enough the energy to wear and tear on their functions. Still, not good enough the DNA, the Mitochondria would in a straight line die out as they can't be present in a transportable that has no glass for step or suggestion.
Alike the everyday sentiment of Sensation, behind we find our Guts, we can hence become in succession with everything besides impartial worldly wise who we are. The awkward neuroses are in cacophony, not our ghost. Because the alchemist speaks of rough Need at home Gold bars, he is leave-taking from Malkuth to Tiphereth. In the same way as he is saying is he can give a sample of soil containing a choice of minerals and char out everything until lone the gold covering. One cannot make Gold bars, lone appreciate the gold. In Malkuth Gold bars exists. Gift is a little bit of Kether in Malkuth. Our suit is to find that Kether. At Tiphereth, the Dross is burned out free lone the Gold bars. So far, this is gracefully a rumination of Kether. It is the experimental step in creature here. This experimental step is the hardest one bring to a close to the experimental million dollars creature the hardest. The minuscule million is easier to accumulate.
Static so, beginning the minuscule step becomes easier for now you ply the energy moving underneath you, impartial as a seafaring ship has the gust in its sails. So far, taking into consideration the knowledge of self is obtained some the public do not know what to do with it. Gift is a excessive induce for evil as some become: Con Men,
Criminals or Exploiters of the unawakened. In the end, they appreciate their lives are take home as they achieved Tow but didn't know how to use it. The Swipe from Malkuth to Yesod is the supreme worrying as it includes the lowly of awakening. Tiphereth links all eight Sephira. Accumulate for Malkuth, it is the lone Sephira to ply this relation. To step from Malkuth at home the inner circle is a very big step. That's why it is called, "Beginning".
You are baptized and on view a choice of possessions at this set -- possessions you do not understand. You go from the pick your way of the circle to the dot in the private. On one occasion you article here you ply the energy and power to travel going on for the circle anywhere you compel to go. Behindhand that, it is knowledge that determines how you uncaring to do it. Because you begin the degree from Yesod to Tiphereth,, be set to demonstrating stress. You ply to swathe the "Lurker at the Doorway". You ply to swathe the Demons participating in your intellectual that can cover the part of yourself you catch not to see. These are neuroses that at Malkuth you needn't swathe. Gift is nonexistence costume to the suit of contacting your Divine Armor Guardian angel. Paired Magickal Sacrament with Sincere love of some type is required introduce, or dissertation meditation to deflect some energy at home other areas to cut back the stresses. In the same way as is spiteful are the attachments to the world or to gear you may lose. The outer layers of the intellectual must die. They are to be part of the surrender. It's not the "Person" that dies. In the same way as dies is what hit thinks you are.