I just wanted to introduce my self before going any further. I am a volunteer for a Witchcraft & Wicca organisation called 'The Children of Artemis' who run events in the UK called 'Witchfest' and the also produce an informative magazine twice a year called 'Witchcraft & Wicca'.
I have literally just created an LJ account just so I can spread the word of this non-profit organisation and the other things they do, as they have done so much for me and my friends in the past 4 years, and their events I find have a wide taste range but are great fun and even I learn stuff.
Anyway getting to the point, I will generally just be posting about their events, any open rituals/gatherings/workshops they are doing and also any promo stuff they have going online, they have there own website/forum and shop etc...
If you think this is NOT acceptable information for your community and you do mind me posting, please let me know and I'll leave the community. But feel free to add me as a friend for updates if your interested.
I promise to LJ cut my posts and give you as much information as possible and I'll also try to reply to any questions I can answer.
Source: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com