Every full moon is surrounded by legends and lore of its own. Learn about the monthly full moons that emerge each year, and the magical correspondences for each.
Moon Phase Names in the Southern Hemisphere
If you live in the southern hemisphere, your moon phases will be different from the ones on traditional neo-Pagan calendars. Here's how you can calculate the name of the moon cycle if you live south of the Equator.
Cold Moon
The chill of January brings us the Cold Moon, which reminds us that winter still has a few more months to go. Also called the Wolf Moon, this is a time when our bodies are a bit sluggish, and we need to put some effort into magical workings.
Quickening Moon
February's Quickening Moon brings us a time reflection and quiet, and we can use this phase to make plans for our future, knowing that spring will soon be coming.
Storm Moon
March rolls in like a lion, and brings with it the Storm Moon. Despite the chill in the air, by the end of the month, the signs of spring and new life are on their way.
Wind Moon -- April's Magical Seed Moon
April starts off wild and wet, and by the time it's over, the air has been reduced to gentle breezes that carry seeds around the earth. Learn about April's Wind Moon, and the magic that goes along with it.
Flower Moon
In the merry month of May, the soil warms up enough that we can begin planting. In addition to our garden, we can work on nourishing our souls and hearts. Learn about May's Flower Moon and its fiery magical associations.
Strong Sun Moon
Summer is when we see the longest days of the year, so it's no surprise that June's lunar phase is called the Strong Sun Moon. Learn about the earthy magical connections of this moon cycle.
Blessing Moon
July's full moon is known as the blessing moon, and is associated with certain herbs, trees, and deities.
Corn Moon
August's Corn Moon brings about a time of harvesting and preparation for the coming winter.
Harvest Moon
In September, we celebrate the Harvest Moon. It's a time of hearth and home, as we prepare for the coming cold months of winter.
Blood Moon
October's Blood Moon brings with it cool, clear nights and the knowledge that winter is around the corner. It's also a time for spiritual growth, because it's when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest.
Mourning Moon
In November, the Mourning Moon is upon us, and we can use the energy of this moon phase to shed last year's baggage and celebrate new beginnings.
Long Nights Moon
December's cold brings us the Long Nights Moon, which is a good time to evaluate the ordeals and trials in our lives. If you're already made it through the darkness, share your good fortune with others.
For many Pagans and Wiccans, the cycles of the moon are important to magical workings. It's believed in some traditions that the waxing moon, the full moon, the waning moon and the new moon all have their own special magical properties, and so workings should be planned accordingly. If your tradition follows these guidelines -- or if you think you'd like to time your magic based upon the phase of the moon -- here are some tips on what sort of magic to perform during the various lunar stages:
The Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is the period during which the moon grows from dark to full. It takes approximately fourteen days for this to happen. In many magical traditions, people use this time of the moon to perform "positive" magic -- in other words, magic that draws things to you, or increases things. Some examples would include:
* A money spell
* A working to get a new job or home
* Bringing love into one's life
* Any magic related to increasing material items
The Full Moon
The full moon is the point at which we can see an entire side of the moon. For magical purposes, most wiccans and Pagans consider the full moon to include the day before and the day after a full moon, for a total of three days. If your tradition requires you to follow the phases of the moon for your magical workings, this is a good time to do rituals focused on personal growth and spiritual development. Some examples would include:
* Spells related to increasing your intuitive awareness
* Healing magic
* Rituals that connect you closely with deity, such as Drawing Down the Moon
* Any magic related to developing your magical skills
For many Wiccans and Pagans, this is also a time to celebrate with an Esbat ritual.
The New Moon
The new moon is sometimes tricky to work with because you can't always see it during this phase - it will appear as a very faint crescent of silver low on the horizon, if you can see it at all. For approximately three days during each lunar cycle, after the moon has waned, it goes dark before waxing again. In many magical traditions, this is considered a fallow time, in which one rests and rejuvenates before beginning more intense magical workings again. In other traditions, it's a time to do magic related to wish fulfillment. Some examples might include:
* Cleansing and purifying of the body and mind
* Rituals that designate sacred space
* Any magic related to inner harmony and peace
The Waning Moon
The waning moon is the period during which the moon goes from full to dark once again. Like the waxing moon phase, it lasts approximately two weeks. In many traditions of wicca and Paganism, this time of the month is used to do "baneful" magic -- that which sends away, gets rid of or destroys things you no longer wish to be burdened by. Some examples would include:
* Magic to eliminate negative or toxic people from your life
* Workings to smoothly end a relationship or job
* Rituals that banish bad habits
* Any magic related to reducing things, such as debt, illness, etc.
Books You Might Enjoy:
Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Love
Marcus Bottomley - Nine Proven Magical Rites
Julian Wilde - Grimoire Of Chaos Magick