Comfort: To feel at ease, relaxed, secure: a "coming home" feeling.
Approval: To get approval from others; to be part of a support group.
Education: To acquire and improve skills and knowledge; to get training in methods and access to information.
Cooperation: To accomplish more than what a single person can do alone; to practice and get feedback.
Friendship: To make friends.
Sex: To find sexual partners.
Contact: To get physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual contact.
Drama: To get stimulation and excitement, even conflict and tension.
Giving: To share skills or expertise; to give time and energy to a cause.
Power: To achieve status, as opposed to mere acceptance. Many people want power, but are content with wielding it vicariously by identifying with their leaders.
Guidance: To get outside direction and guidance, as opposed to education. This often appears together with the desire for power: many devotees dream of assuming the guru's role someday!
Healing: To fix something that is wrong; to get salvation, initiation, or some other spiritual cure for a real or imaginary ailment.
In addition to these common goals, people often join groups to act out a scenario in which they take on a particular role which they enjoy, which flatters their self-image, or which satisfies some other need. Some typical roles are guru, chela, teacher, student, scholar, sage, maverick, priest(ess), judge, initiate, therapist, healer, oracle, soldier, warrior, activist, social manager, tortured artist, life of the party, and sacred prostitute.
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