Book: Book Of Spells by Anonymous
Presenting many spells from many different times and cultures, this book features enticing, exotic, and sometimes slightly erotic magic spells to help readers prosper at work, at play, or in love. This book is a good way to learn about craft and is a good book for people who know more than a little about "witchcraft", or a good book for kids who know a lot more, and want to do some really kick a** spells... but its not a good book for VERY experianced "witches". I reccomend this book because it has spells that really work, but they only work if you are serious, and are good at concentrating and BEING serious, not being wild and hiper during the spell... it is only for mature people who know what they are doing... It does require you go out shopping once in a while, or go to parks and get materials, but most of the things are things that most people already have on hand... Buy this book but be carful and use them right. HAVE FUN!Keywords: perfect love trust witchs collection spells witchs encyclopedia charms workbook western tradition water earth magic delusion power maya warfare contemporary